
Hey everyone!! I’ve been very M.I.A. on here. I have been working on several titles, but they are still in the drafts. I just published a new “book” you could say called The Diary of Asia033. The title is pretty self-explanatory. Every now and then I will publish a part updating you all on my personal life. So you can check that out if you’re interested!!! Have a great day and a safe holiday! Thank you☺️ 


Hey everyone!! I’ve been very M.I.A. on here. I have been working on several titles, but they are still in the drafts. I just published a new “book” you could say called The Diary of Asia033. The title is pretty self-explanatory. Every now and then I will publish a part updating you all on my personal life. So you can check that out if you’re interested!!! Have a great day and a safe holiday! Thank you☺️ 


Okay. I hate to be writing this, but this time it is official. What? You may be asking. Even if you are not, I still plan on explaining myself. I realized how much writing and reading meant to me not too long ago. I even started writing an actual book that is not on this platform. I would love to continue writing my book that is on here, but it is very time consuming. With school, and writers block, it has become a lot to juggle. So, I am going to be removing my book from wattpad for a while until I fix it up and get the time. It will no longer be about Brandon Rowland because I have lost interest a long time ago. When I put it back up, feel free to read it. Writing is something that makes me happy. Therefore, I don't want to write things that don't. Thanks for listening.


Hey you. Yeah, you. The person who is reading this. Male, Female, Alien, Trashcan *me*. Alright it's time to stop trying to change the subject. Yes, I know, I know. I've literally been kinda like slacking. Well more like acting like Wattpad is irrelevant and nonexistent (which it is not). I am very satisfied with my work and I plan on writing much more. I have four book ideas including a sequel to my only book so far. All I wanted to say is that I need to stop making excuses for myself, get my sh*t together, and start writing again. For those of my readers who've stayed and to those of you who have taken the time to even read my shitty story, thank you. It means the world to me. 


Hai I haven't been updating on my book at all lately and sadly haven't even had time to read any books on here but for this week, I went to hell today(school) and I have off for the rest of the week so Yas! bit hopefully I will have some time on this long ass weekend to finally get a couple chapters in.