
i know i basically vanished form writing for a year but I'm back now at least for a bit while I have the motivation lol


I finally know what i want to do with my life well for the moat part but i want to make people happy i want to put a smile peoples faces i don't care how i make people happy  by YouTube or wrighting or my drawlings i don't know yet but i want to be like mark and jack and be an inspiration to people to make them enjoy a little bit of life to look forward to something and help them get through some of the hardest things i have found my reason to look forward to the rest if my life


im going to re wright a unlikely love i dont like how i wrote it and the changes i want to make i have to re wright it so yeah


@Astrid_planck25 yeah im just fixing it more or less and changeing things like her past and insted of Brighton she lives in Ireland


@Astrid_planck25 Tbh I think it was fine, but you do you ^^ If you want to rewrite it, then you do it.