
I just love how Welcome Home has blown up like it has like, omg. Last time I saw a Fandom grow like this was 8 years ago 


I promise this book won’t take forever TwT I’m currently like madly unhealthily obsessed with Phantom of the Opera. I have to much going on I wanna get this. I hope to not make it long and drawn out I hope. So yay *breathes* if you enjoy, enjoy! I hope you do


Ok does anyone else know about Jim Henson? And if you what’s your favorite? Personally for me it’s Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal TV series. The Emperor and Hunter are Yep that’s right. % going for some creepy idiotic creatures


Ssooo… pretty sure some of you have noticed the new book. I promise more will come. I just need a story with my comfort character. Something I can turn to and just be happy with the final outcome. But on Thursday I’m not gonna be able to like… update like I have been cause I’m getting my phone took ^•^ called being a failure! Haha, but it’ll be gone for like two weeks so:p 


So a lot of stories are about to go goodbye, and it’s because I just don’t like the way they are written. I mean I’ve come, personally, a long way from when I first joined to now. And honestly I just, cringe everywhere. But they’ll be back! Just in a different format.