
Here are a few changes I will be making to better the rewrite of “the Dissent” series:
          	-Slower plot
          	     -Fight scenes more detailed
          	     -More description and fillers 
          	     -More character/plot development
          	-Minor name changes 
          	     -Gabriel doesn’t go by Gabe
          	     -Cass’ full name isn’t emphasized as much but it is a more important aspect of the story
          	     -Cass’ last name is Belcourt instead of Belacourt
          	     -Ryella is now Rya
          	     -Dakota and Rya’s last name is now Connelly
          	-Age changes 
          	     -Cass is now 16
          	     -Gabriel is now 18
          	     -The Connellys are twins and they are 16
          	-Somewhat major background changes 
          	     -Dakota is adopted 
          	     -Dakota is nerdy (but I love him anyway)
          	     -The Dissenters are fighting the royal family who has forced the country into poverty instead of the government who has done the same thing
          	     -Cass wanted for theft, assault and battery, escaping custody, and murder
          	     -Cass isn’t homeless (not exactly) and she never knew her parents
          	     -Caden Pierce doesn’t exist
          	     -Cass and Gabriel’s relationship doesn’t jump into friendship that quickly, they have a very rocky coexistence
          	     -Cass and Gabriel are damaged and closed-off
          	-Relationship changes
          	     -Cass and Dakota will be good friends and she will experience no attraction to him
          	     -The Dissent is much smaller and made up only of kids and young adults
          	     -Joseph Cullen (Connelly) was killed before the book takes place
          	I can’t wait for everyone to read it!


Here are a few changes I will be making to better the rewrite of “the Dissent” series:
          -Slower plot
               -Fight scenes more detailed
               -More description and fillers 
               -More character/plot development
          -Minor name changes 
               -Gabriel doesn’t go by Gabe
               -Cass’ full name isn’t emphasized as much but it is a more important aspect of the story
               -Cass’ last name is Belcourt instead of Belacourt
               -Ryella is now Rya
               -Dakota and Rya’s last name is now Connelly
          -Age changes 
               -Cass is now 16
               -Gabriel is now 18
               -The Connellys are twins and they are 16
          -Somewhat major background changes 
               -Dakota is adopted 
               -Dakota is nerdy (but I love him anyway)
               -The Dissenters are fighting the royal family who has forced the country into poverty instead of the government who has done the same thing
               -Cass wanted for theft, assault and battery, escaping custody, and murder
               -Cass isn’t homeless (not exactly) and she never knew her parents
               -Caden Pierce doesn’t exist
               -Cass and Gabriel’s relationship doesn’t jump into friendship that quickly, they have a very rocky coexistence
               -Cass and Gabriel are damaged and closed-off
          -Relationship changes
               -Cass and Dakota will be good friends and she will experience no attraction to him
               -The Dissent is much smaller and made up only of kids and young adults
               -Joseph Cullen (Connelly) was killed before the book takes place
          I can’t wait for everyone to read it!


Hey guys! I know I’ve been on a hiatus for awhile and I would like to formally apologize and explain myself. I know I have so many stories on the go right now and haven’t been updating any of them. I feel like I should let you all know that I plan to discontinue many of my stories. However, I would like to discuss my series, “the Dissent”. When I initially wrote it, I was much younger and the quality of it suffered greatly. I rushed the first two books too much and now I have no motivation to write the third which is a big problem, because I know the avid readers want closure and quality. So, in light of this situation, I have decided to formally rewrite the novels. I want to make them more like an actual young adult trilogy, as I feel my readers deserve such a series. The progress of the first book rewrite is moving very well, it is already much better. I intend to post the entire story all at once to compensate for the waiting I have forced upon all of you. I’m very sorry for the suspense and low quality. 


Merry Christmas! I promise to finally get out a chapter of something today.


@Athenasgirl12 All good, no worries at all! Hope you had a good Christmas! Did u get some cool stuff?


@NinjaGirl42 you too! Sorry I didn't get anything published, I'll have something by tomorrow at the latest!


What did I do to deserve a follow?


Thanks then???? ^^


@skunkberry99 ur a lot funnier and have a lot more worth than u seem to think. not trying to psychoanalyze or anything and plus i like following ppl, its a compliment


I thought you meant sad and I thought I mighta sad something. How am I funny? Dafuq? I don't remember that perosnality trait.