
GUYS!!! IM BAAAAAAACK!! My last exam was yesterday, it has been a LONG 2 months and I am about to start on my first request. I've missed writing! luckily we've got the WHOLE summer! *dance party* 
          	expect an update later tonight! 


GUYS! i'm finally back!! 
          I know I've been away for a while, it was because Wattpad got blocked in the place i live in (they're pretty strict) and there really wasn't much I could do about it. I sent in a request for the site to be unblocked (pretty sure thousands of others did too) and it did!! SO YAAAY! 
          not really...i'm at the start of my GCSE's right now so I don't think I'm going to be able to post much before the 15th of June, after that though, i'll be a free! 
           wish me luck, and i'm really sorry i'll be gone for a while. 


@AudreyTheFangirl OMG, you're in part of you GSCEs? Aww poor you. I'm scared for mine because we're not allowed re takes any more :'(


Hey! Considering you said that your brain went ASDFGHJKLAHSUBSZ I have another fic request: *clears throat*
          Okay, so, reader just got to Thalia's tree, never been to camp, and they are bubbly. And huggable. They run into camp, amazed by everything, and they stop when they see will solace. They go up and ask him about camp, and then Nico appears out of the shadows and the reader jumps on will. Nico acts all romanic like oh sorry are you okay? And says that she's beautiful in Italian. Reader wonders what that is an questions it resulting in Nico swearing loads in Italian, leaving will in stitches 


Question! Who's kid are we? In Your book with Nico ur currently working on? Just curious. 


@Hatters_Mad_Daughter well most of the time the reader's godly parent is whoever they want it to be  (like whoever you think you are). But when someone sends in a request they may ask for the reader to have a certain godly parent. Hope this helped! Xx