I'm not your average guy, but I guess a lot of guys would say that if they were pestered to ask if they were or not. Anyways, I enjoy long walks on the beach, staying near breasts, and being with mortal female body parts in general. Beyond that lustful aspect of mine, there is more to find...  

Lately however, I have been completely uncertain of what I should commit my life to doing. Or rather, what should & should not be a part of my daily routine of activities. I do not think any amount of typing will remedy my pain, but at least I gain some respite from all of this. If you see me, I will be living in agony, dragging my decaying body away at the future that comes near. If you need me, write for me. If you want me, inbox me a message.
  • Pensacola, FL
  • JoinedMarch 20, 2015