Auriel Roe is the author of 'A Blindefellows Chronicle', a comic novel featuring the lives and loves of a group of unmarried teachers and set in an English boarding school.  Auriel is a British Art teacher and practicing artist who has spent most of her life working her way round the globe as she's happier in a suq than in a supermarket. Being of a philanthropic inclination, Auriel is regularly approached for donations of her artwork for good causes. Among others, she has provided commissions for Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, Scottish Alzheimer's Society and the 80th birthday portrait of Dame Jane Goodall. This she manages to fit in along with her regular diverse range of commissions which have included everything from a dog wearing a sweater with pompoms to a prize-winning Arab mare in the Middle East. Auriel is a Royal Academy shortlisted artist.
Last year, when Auriel started to write A Blindefellows Chronicle, she set out with the intention of paying homage to Evelyn Waugh and P.G. Wodehouse who are among her favourite authors and whom she feels are a little overlooked in today's fiction
  • Ankara, Turkey
  • RegistriertAugust 25, 2016

Geschichte von Auriel Roe
A Blindefellows Chronicle von AurielRoe
A Blindefellows Chronicle
A Blindefellows Chronicle is a comic novel, comprising thirteen interconnected stories that take place over f...