
Hi lovelies!
          	Chapter 21 of Hybrid is out! That's the third chapter published today!
          	I realised with shock that I've published approximately 80 000 words already for this story. It still has around 10 000 words to go. Almost finished guys!
          	Sneak peak of Chapter 21:
          	The twinkle left his eye, and a corner of his lip turned downwards in distaste.  “She lied.”
          	His sudden bitterness surprised me.  “She?”
          	He visibly clamped his mouth, brooding.  Probably thinking about how much he could tell me.  He sighed, which convinced me it took an effort for him to force the words out of clenched teeth.  “The queen of Atlantis,”
          	“What?” this guy was talking in circles.  “She lied about what?”
          	He paused, and I didn’t know if he did it on purpose, to reserve the suspense of more upcoming drama, or if he had another, weird reason for making me want to pull the answer through his hair.  It felt like minutes, but finally he spoke.  And what he said spun my world into a galaxy of perplexed thoughts.
          	“You are not a Hybrid, Alex.”


Hi lovelies!
          Chapter 21 of Hybrid is out! That's the third chapter published today!
          I realised with shock that I've published approximately 80 000 words already for this story. It still has around 10 000 words to go. Almost finished guys!
          Sneak peak of Chapter 21:
          The twinkle left his eye, and a corner of his lip turned downwards in distaste.  “She lied.”
          His sudden bitterness surprised me.  “She?”
          He visibly clamped his mouth, brooding.  Probably thinking about how much he could tell me.  He sighed, which convinced me it took an effort for him to force the words out of clenched teeth.  “The queen of Atlantis,”
          “What?” this guy was talking in circles.  “She lied about what?”
          He paused, and I didn’t know if he did it on purpose, to reserve the suspense of more upcoming drama, or if he had another, weird reason for making me want to pull the answer through his hair.  It felt like minutes, but finally he spoke.  And what he said spun my world into a galaxy of perplexed thoughts.
          “You are not a Hybrid, Alex.”


Hello again my lovely readers!
          Chapter 20 is out!
          Sneak peak:
          At last, I couldn’t take it anymore.  “What do you want with me?” Wow, I’d expected a more vital question, like who he was, but I was pleased that my voice sounded at least strong and sure.
          He didn’t answer immediately, but when he did, a disturbing smile hitched up the corners of his lips.  “Many things, love.  I want the many things you can gain me.” He probably saw the revulsion and fear written on my face, because his smile broke out into a smug grin.  “Oh, don’t worry.  I do not intend to disturb your innocence, though you truly are hard to resist.  I understand now the effect of your pull.  Truly, it’s… captivating.”
          “What are you talking about?” I hissed, baffled.  I scooted further on the bed, and it didn’t escape his notice.  His gaze swept over my body, moving closer.  I shivered, repulsed, and tried to put more distance between us.  I didn’t plan on “disturbing my innocence” with an old man, handsome as he was.
          “So innocent, yet you appear quite mature beyond your age.  You’re incoherent right now, but soon I will reveal the truth to you. However, I always believe in baby steps.  For now, my darling, you only have to know that you have a compelling presence to everyone around you, who would just as quickly snatch you away.  You’re like the candle that attracts the moth to their ultimate misfortune.”


Long time no see, my lovely readers.
          Hybrid has finally updated after such a long hiatus.
          First and foremost, to those of you who have been waiting for an update, I sincerely apologise. It's pretty common on Wattpad for writers to go on a hiatus, and I never expected myself to be one of those, since I know how disappointing it can be to read a story that is not getting finished. Not that I have that many readers overall, but still. I want to complete this story so that if people read it, they're not left hanging.
          Hybrid is nearing its end, and it would mean so much to me if you check it out and maybe read to its conclusion. I have plans of a second book as well, though it's still a very rough idea at the moment.
          Anyway, a sneak peak at the new Chapter 19:
          Shelly whispered urgently to Roxy, no doubt warning Roxy they were caught, and Aiden turned back with a grim, amused smile.  “We have spies in our midst.” 
          A frown that had appeared on Scott’s face smoothed out the moment he faced him.  “Indeed.”
          Fast clicks developed on the floor toward them, followed by more hesitant, soft ones.  The smell of her floral perfume occurred to him first before he saw the girls beside their table.  It was a soft scent, fresh enough to bring the mental picture of spring, and Aiden recognized it immediately as Shelly’s.  He wanted to bask in the scent a little longer, but he forced himself to face them.
          He opened his mouth for the first words, but Roxy beat him to it.  “You’re taking us with you.”


Hey everyone! I've finally updated A Hybrid's Parody after so many months. I'm working on Chapter 18 now and it will be up soon.
          Here's a snippet of Chapter 17:
          I opened my watery eyes and stared blearily, appalled.  This so wasn’t remotely real…
          The cold, ceramic floor said otherwise.  As well as the hideous white walls and cold-blooded lockers lining each wall.  And there were people.  So many curiously shocked faces turning around and gathering around me.  It reminded me of my fight with Mia.
          I was at school, my human school, and I was sopping wet!  I couldn’t believe what my senses were proving to me, but here I was, and I was the centre of attention again.  Though this time it wasn’t because everyone knew me.  Oh, believe me, it was clear on everybody’s faces that they recognised me, but they were asking questions, ones I couldn’t answer at all.
          Someone helped me up and asked if I was all right.  I checked for any injuries, wincing when I moved my arm.  “Yeah,” I lied to the guy.  I felt nauseous and dizzy and gripped the guy’s extended arm while the other hand went to my head.  I blinked, my vision still bleary.
          “How, what the hell just happened?” The guy seemed uneasy, unable to phrase the question.  At least I wasn’t the only one who believed this was impossible.
          “I d-don’t know,” I mumbled, my voice sounding weak.  That couldn’t be truer.  Only, there was another impossible thing that made this case even weirder.  “What… who am I?”
          Read And Enjoy!


Okay, so I've edited Succumb Chapter 4 and double checked minor details in the previous chapters to make sure they all match up. Sorry if the process is confusing, but if you read from chapter 1 to 4, everything should make sense. I'll start on the next chapter soon.