
Hi Kim.  You poked me.  I'm still trying to figure out how Wattpad works and what I should be doing with it.  So the book above is your first novel?  How long have you been at it?


Hey Eileen, I'm new to Wattpad myself so I'm not all the way sure how it works either lol. 
            Discovered is indeed my first book. It was published on Dec. 25th. It's apart of a series and I am currently working 1.5 which is to be released in March and book 2 of the series which releases in April.
            I just started writing Discovered in August actually but have always written poetry and short stories for the better part of my life. After stumbling into the world of romance and erotic novels, I decided to give it a go and set out to become a published author. :)
            I see that you are currently working on your first book. How is that coming along?


Hi Kim.  I'm glad to be able to sample your work here at Wattpad.  Thanks for putting chapters 1-3 of Discovered.  I'll try to get to it in a few days.  If you don't hear from me, poke me, OK?


Thanks for connecting with me. I really hope you enjoy the book. :) I'll be sure to poke you in a few days lol. Hope you have a blessed day. :)