
I know it's been a while since I've been around, and I'm sorry about that! Life really knocked me down, and I had some trouble getting back up again. I don't know how much of a presence I'll have on Wattpad going forward; I'm primarily on Facebook. But I'll try to at least post some doodles!


@DensityOfMe Thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time to say so. <3


I know it's been a while since I've been around, and I'm sorry about that! Life really knocked me down, and I had some trouble getting back up again. I don't know how much of a presence I'll have on Wattpad going forward; I'm primarily on Facebook. But I'll try to at least post some doodles!


@DensityOfMe Thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time to say so. <3


Hey, loves. I want to thank you all for being so patient with Infiltrator and its lack of progress. Your continued support, likes, comments, and overall special-feeling-making has meant the world to Andy and I while we both combat ninjas and flesh-eating zombies — okay, so real life is just as bad, I swear. Though we haven’t abandoned Infiltrator, we have put it on hold for now, and we don’t have an estimated continuation date yet. Personally, I am working on a book that should hopefully be published within the next week (pleasepleaseplease), edits on another collaboration, and then I should be starting another soon. Grad school homework’s nothing, right? (Right? >.>) Anyway, that’s my update. Happy holidays, everyone! - <3 Rai


Oh, and P.S. -- Feel free to follow or friend me on FB or Twitter. If we don't have any mutual friends, please send me a message, as because!reasons, I have to be careful who I accept. 
            [Profile: Friend or follow. I love meeting and chatting with new people.] 
            [Page: Likes are like cookies and unicorns.] 
            [Twitter: Um. So yeah. I have one.]
            [FB Group: Wooo, get things sooner! When I remember. *win*]
            [Newsletter Signup: I send one out once in a blue moon.]


I know, I know. My updates are all YOU MUST WAIT FOR MORE. Alas, my cowriter and I seem to be alternating running into problems. On the bright side, the other collaboration I'm working on (that sadly will not be put on Wattpad, but at least I'm back in the writing groove) is just shy of 45k words. It's going to be a long one, but I'm really happy with how it's turning out!


@AuthorRPhoenix   well as you know I know you have been away mingling.  It will be up when it is ready and I know avylynn has been struggling.  Good luck, no pressure!


Hey, everyone! Just wanted to let you know that Infiltrator has not been forgotten, even if we have been slower with the updates. There are some Dramatic Things going on in my life that have sadly been interfering with progress on several fronts, but the Whack-A-Mole game will yield to me. ;-) (Oh, I haven't forgotten Trope City, either; that one just got moved below Infiltrator because writing with Andy is so much fun that it gets nudged to the side. *sheepish*) Hope everyone is safe with the crazy weather and the people in it. 


@AuthorRPhoenix     no worries my friend, life must come first, and you and your boy must be your main focus.   Andy! Has been having her own stressful time as well! Just get  it written when you can and we will happily wait!   Take care, hugs Kay!


Hi, loves! Just wanted to take a moment to say hi (Hi! <3) and give you an update. Andy and I are still making steady progress with Infiltrator, though we did hit a snag on one chapter, and it took a bit longer than expected. I'm thrilled to say that we nailed it today though!
          In other news, I haven't forgotten Trope City. I have a few projects going on, and I've been prioritizing Infiltrator. I have this unfortunate habit of writing out of order, so I'm all over the place, and it's hard to update in order. I'll be posting a poem today or tomorrow that I wrote, and it's... very personal and dear to me. I'm also considering posting the start of something that's extremely challenging, but it's terrifying. It's on the level of Too Close and deals with similar issues -- domestic violence key among them, along with divorce, self-injury, suicidal ideation, and other things. The version as it stands is more autobiographical than fiction, though, so I'm still going back and forth and debating about it. 
          My new class started this week, and I do editing on the side, but I really do love interacting with y'all. (It's like a drug. Seriously. I love talking to people online.)
          Anyway! Thanks for reading and commenting and voting. <3 
          <3 - Raissa


@KaySetonks Haha, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I wasn't. I do online classes, write, do editing jobs here and there, and I've got a 5 year old. Every time I say I'm going to lounge around all day, it turns into OH LOOK ALL THE THINGS...! ;-) But thank you! <3


@AuthorRPhoenix  wow you are busy!   No problem post when it is ready! Just take care of yourself, don't take on too much!  Thankyou!


Hey, everyone! Hope you don’t mind the notification. I just wanted to tell you that I’ve made some changes to Chapter Three of Infiltrator based on developments later on. Nothing “big” happened. These mostly just surround Kit’s perceptions, but we also decided to introduce another character a bit earlier than expected. Very light mentions, but… ;-) 
          I also wanted to say thank you for reading. If I miss replying to a comment (and I’m a little behind because boo!homework), please know it’s not intentional! I love chatting with y’all, and your encouragement and excitement help us get writing that much faster. I hope you’re enjoying reading Kit and Alex as much as we’re enjoying writing them. 
          <3! -Raissa


Hope you enjoy the third chapter of Infiltrator with my darling Kit! We can't promise anything on posting pace, but rest assured, Andy and I aren't letting each other stop until it's done. I have to admit, I see why my Wattpad-using friends love it so much. Your comments have been so kind, wonderful, and encouraging! Thanks for the banter, excitement, and support. <3
          Next up, Alex!