
Hey so I saw you were pan/ace how does that work cause I think I'm bi/ace


@BluePhoenix48 nonono you didnt offend me. Basically, im Panromantic Asexual. So I get romantically attracted to people of all genders, but im not sexual attracted to anyone. Sexuality is a spectrum, im pretty sure that with any sexuality there are three stages, -sexual -mantic and -sensual. For example, Pansexual means you are attracted sexually and romantically to people, Panromantic means you are attracted romantically to people, and I'm not really sure what Pansensual means. You can do that with any sexuality, for instance, Heteromantic, or Homomantic. But basically, you can stack sexualities. 
             I am also in no way an expert, and if you wanna learn more you should really just do some research, but I hope I could help


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          pass it on to 8 other people!<3