
Always remember we're proud of you and you're loved. <3


I'm not proud of myself atm



@Vivianne_Gaile Thank you so much!


LMAO WTF am I doing ndksnsosjsis we're financially unstable and here I am drinking pills- 


@sandm_an any flavor is fine with me <3


@Vivianne_Gaile im a bit of a basic and generic person so strawberry all the way, tho i havent tried other flavours 


@sandm_an I'll buy tomorrow then <3


Will something happen if I drank 10 tablets of paracetamol at once?


@Vivianne_Gaile closs your eyes for a sec and stop worrying about you quiz for now, how about you just listen to music and imagine some stuff ang get away from reality, that usually helps


@sandm_an I hope so I haven't been reviewing because I'm currently having a breakdown for the past hour 


@Vivianne_Gaile dont worry, you can ace that quiz


Hi, I just wanted to see how you're doing. How are you? Are you doing good? Have you solved your problem with B? And by the way, today's my birthday :).


And I just wanted to know if you've resolved your situation with B, it's perfectly fine if you don't want to talk about that dude tho :).


@Vivianne_Gaile Thank you for the greeting <3. My birthday has been alright. I've been just rewatching the crown in netflix, staying in bed and eating takeout. I haven't done any school work since I wanted to enjoy the whole day. My friends and family already greeted me happy birthday. And rn, I'm just watching a movie and eating a bag of chips lmao.


@Won_Sangjin omg happy birthday!! And yes I'm doing just fine how about you? How's your day??? I hope you had fun!!! <3 happy happy birthday to an amazing person like you :)


Hey, I just want to check on you since I've noticed that you changed your user name and your profile pic. Are you alright? You can talk to me if you want, I'll just be listening here. And since I don't have anyone to talk to rn :).


@Won_Sangjin eat well! And good luck on your school works I'm sure you'll finish them in time and you can talk to me anytime you want <3


@Vivianne_Gaile My food has arrived! I'll eat now, and  yes I will drink lots of water as you adviced. Thank you for talking with me btw, since my friends IRL are busy rn, my parents are out of the house, and the only person here with me is my brother but he's cooped up in his room, so I don't really have someone to talk to. Bye-bye now, I'll enjoy my food :)).


@Won_Sangjin make sure to eat and drink lots of water! I've read online that you'll memorize things quite well if you're hydrated and that sucks thankfully we don't have many school works yet but periodical exams is coming up and I'm doing an advance review and stay healthy and make sure to get a good rest :)


Am I supposed to be intimidated by you? You're my friend but I'm scared to upset you because your words are too sharp and I don't know why maybe it's because you have a sister who'll surely back you up and you open up to them about everything and I don't have that? Or maybe the way you address something that even if it's through chat I can feel your irritation and hate or the way you add some words to you sentence that somehow shows you how impatient you are I know I'm a coward and a backstabbing friend and a liar for posting this but it's the only way so that I won't do irrational things to myself and yes I know I'm bossy I'm too loud and judgemental and talk a lot and everything always have to be about me but you know sometimes you're a bit too much like- when the time we're going home together with two of our friends and the two of you ae walking together and two of us are at the back we're following you because the street is too small and you suddenly said "you two walk too slow" what are we gonna do??? Run? There's no space and there's too many people I don't know anymore :/