Nothing really here- you probably came here from one of my comments lol

"When life gives you lemons, you find a little kid with a fresh paper cut."

"HAHA! Nothing in life is free! The devil took YOU under! hA-"

"No drama, I'm just a queen."

"Does this mean we're friends?
Does this mean we're allies?
Does this mean we're more than friends but slightly less than lovers?

"Let me express something to you that I'm finding really funny right now; just the thought of throwing a basketball this hard at somebody. HA!"

"Can you do 3 nights? I'm away from home...on a business trip. I'm sure this will give you enough time to deal with him.
How about 500 a night?

"I swear on my goldfish that I won't.
You don't have a goldfish.
That's not the point,"

"B L O O D Y H E L L"

"Now you just watch as my house catches on fire. I did this because of those oddly satisfying videos. They made me do it."

"Sorry, sorry! He's just not used to positive feedback."

"Oh my god! They killed Kenny!"

"The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma."

"You pushed me off and broke my ankles! Do you know how hard it is to die with broken ankles?!

"It takes two to lie; one to lie and another to believe it."

"I Love you Metroman!
And I love you random citizen!"

"A real man never takes accountability!"

"He's just running over all these children's toys. I love this."

"Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold. Byeee!"

"What the hell are you doing Cartman?
...Killing you."

"Oh it's 3:37AM, also known as,... MARIO TIME!"

"What about my shredder?"
  • The Andromeda Galaxy
  • JoinedApril 19, 2023

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