
Hiya Avian! You've not been online for a bit I think, but Colors is such an interesting story and I hope you'll come back one day and finish it!


@AvianMuse I'm so glad to see you'll consider finishing it! For now I'll keep it in my library and hope for the best ❤


@SunshineLola17 hey sorry for seeing this just now! i dont come on this app that often accept to read a little on the side so it's not completely abandoned as my bio leads one to believe lol but thank you so so much! that means a lot especially considering im not very confident in my writing. I do like the story and plot a lot myself and have debated whether i should officially discontinue it or continue on with it, this comment has inspired me just a little but id like to focus on other projects first before i come back to it. again, thank you so much! ill think about continuing it!