Filipina here. There's nothing much to say about me. All I can share to you is my interest in reading and writing.
Words to me, are very powerful and they can make you feel things you don't even understand.
Whether what they told you are curses or compliments it will always do an impact to you as it does to other people.

There is one thing I can share though, like every single person, I do have a past. The point of interest when a person talks about their past is how they get through it. What helped me most in going through the hardest times of my life would be writing. It started with quotes then poems. Right now, I do any form of writing to express what I feel. It may be a journal entry, a prose or a very very short story.

One thing I've never done before was writing a complete novel. This, I want to achieve. Besides those, I want to be able to travel and for people to recognize my writing. I also want to be able to connect to people who are going through hardships whether it's a phase or not.

I guess that's all. I wish you stop by my tumblr. Every piece written there is very important to me and every photo captured means a lot to me. If you want to be able to talk to anyone, you can talk to me. I am not interested in small talks. Tell me about your life, your likes, your dislikes. Let's be friends. :)
  • Neverland
  • JoinedMay 16, 2014
