
OKAY I’m only posting this so no one thinks I dIED. 
          	pretty much i have an insecurity problem :P its gotten pretty bad for like a year now, and I’ve gotten kinda scared of putting my writings online. I’m starting to not write at all, so i just want to try and fix it before that dOes happen. 
          	I’m going to start writing on another account where I’m anonymous. this way i won’t have so much anxiety about putting stuff I’ve wrote online..
          	I’m not “announcing this to my followers” (cuz ya know anXiEtY) but if anyone checks this account wondering, “whAt THe hEcK hApPeNEd” they won’t be left in the dark at least lolol
          	I’m really sorry if you enjoyed my writing, and I’m sorry for taking my stories down.. even having them up freaks me out :””D
          	I’ll still read other stories on this account but i won’t have my own... so yeaah that’s all I have to say :DD (and I’ll probably delete this laterrrrr)
          	thanks for taking your time to read xoxo