
Hello my lovely readers! 
          	I updated The Impossible [Name] today with an extra long chapter with a bunch of results to make up for my long hiatus.
          	In case anyone is interested, I haven't been able to update because this has been the most insane year of my life. My longtime boyfriend broke up with me, I finished my 2nd year of pharmacy school with high honors and am currently working 4 jobs and doing a bunch of projects that have been eating up my free time. I haven't been able to devote as much time to writing as I would have liked but hopefully I will be able to update more this coming year. I hope you enjoy and thank you for sticking with me! 
          	❤ Sam


Hello my lovely readers! 
          I updated The Impossible [Name] today with an extra long chapter with a bunch of results to make up for my long hiatus.
          In case anyone is interested, I haven't been able to update because this has been the most insane year of my life. My longtime boyfriend broke up with me, I finished my 2nd year of pharmacy school with high honors and am currently working 4 jobs and doing a bunch of projects that have been eating up my free time. I haven't been able to devote as much time to writing as I would have liked but hopefully I will be able to update more this coming year. I hope you enjoy and thank you for sticking with me! 
          ❤ Sam


Hey guys I just wanted to give you a quick update:
          I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while. It's been a very stressful start of the school year. Classes have been crazy, I'm working 4 part time jobs, and my boyfriend broke up with me all on the span of 2 months. 
          I promise I'll be able to write more once the quarter is over in November and I appreciate everyone's patience and understanding. 
          Thank you,
          Sam ❤️


Hi everyone! 
          If you've seen my most recent update in the Impossible series I toyed with the idea of adding FFXV characters in the series. In my Announcements book if you could take the survey that would be much appreciated!
          Thank you all!
          ❤️ Sam


Hey everyone, 
          I'm so sorry I've been absent but I have two more weeks of school with finals looming next week! I promise I'll update by the end of the month (as soon as the school year is over ). I promise I haven't forgotten about you!
          Have a good rest of the week ❤️❤️❤️


Hello lovely followers!
          I will be posting a new chapter tomorrow!! I wanted to post it tonight but it's already 1:22am and I'm tired af lol. 
          Sorry for the long wait you guys, I've been super busy with school. But I think you'll like the next chapter! New characters, storylines, revelations and more! The only different thing is that there will be no (or maybe really short) sync results because I plan on writing a whole different chapter on everyone else's adventures in a different world as they go looking for you. 
          Since the people reading this are my wonderful followers, you'll be the people able to give your response in this poll!
          So there are two options. I can either 
          A) keep going along with visiting new worlds and meeting new characters/character development with everyone else while paralleling the KH2 storyline, or 
          B) skip most the worlds and just go into my original storyline at the expense of seeing more worlds and minor characters, and you'll just have to take my word on the other character development if I go through a time skip lol. 
          Neither option will increase or decrease possible BOC's, and all major plot points I have planned will still happen, it's just whether you want to explore new worlds (even non KH/Disney ones!) and have more individual/sync results for character development and stuff. 
          Please let me know what you think!
          Thanks for reading this long post! Haha 
          <3 Sam 


@Axel8xiii aww! That is a fun and cute idea! I can see either Kairi or Namine having a Sylveon :)


@Runescapes I don't want to give it all away but I'll say one I definitely want to try to Incorporate is Pokemon, if only because it would be cool if the reader, Kairi, and Namine all had an eeveelution to join them on some adventures :P but idk if that's really practical haha but just for funsies would be sweet


@Axel8xiii I am good with option B as Mulan was my favorite and we've been there :) B also sounds like more creative freedom too. Any hints on which non Disney worlds you were thinking of? ;)


Hello friends!!!
          I shall make a new story for this but just to be prepared now, I'm going to do a holiday fix exchange! 
          If you would like a story dedicated to you about a certain character I'll gladly write one if you write one as well!
          Check my new story for details :)
          Thanks! ❤️ Sam


It's been a day of mourning for many. I love you all and if you need to talk, don't be afraid to say something to me. To my women, POC, minority, marginalized friends feeling like this country doesn't care about you, know at least I do. 


So I just finished the outline of the next two chapters and I am soooo excited!! You'll be meeting someone you haven't met yet and I'm adding another BOC to the story in "present day" and I can't wait! 
          I probably won't post it super soon though because I'm going to space it out a bit so they'll come out steadily instead of a longer wait in between chapters. Yay!


Hello lovely readers! 
          It's 1am and I have class early in the morning but I cranked out a new chapter! I hope you read it and please comment on what you liked/didn't like bc it makes me a better writer :)
          Thank you and enjoy! 
          ❤️ Sam