
Zdaje się, że Wattpad znowu nie wysłał powiadomienia, więc chciałam Wam dać znać, że wleciał nowy rozdział Kruka. Zapraszam serdecznie!
          	It seems that Wattpad didn't send notifications again, so I wanted to let you know that I've published a new chapter of The Crow. Enjoy!


Hejka! Tu znowu ja~ Przyszłam trochę po podziwiać i wesprzeć twoją twórczość >.< Mogę opowiadać godzinami o tym, jak bardzo lubię Twój sposób pisania, ale o tym mówiłam już wiele razy, więc dziś nawiąże do czegoś innego... Czytając ostatnio upublikowane rozdziały kruka, uświadomiłam sobie jak fabuła jest dopracowana, a wszystko się ze sobą łączy! Jestem pełna podziwu i ze strony czytelnika powiem, że to sprawia, że nie mogę się doczekać kolejnych rozdziałów! Tak więc czekam na Ciebie!! Życzę dużo, dużo, dużo weny i pomysłów~ Miłego dnia/nocy!


@Ayashee11, I can't seem to find your spotify account even after several tries. Could you share the profile link here please?


Książki, które wychodzą spod twojej ręki zdecydowanie zostaną ze mną na zawsze. Postacie oraz ich unikalne charaktery, porywająca fabuła oraz piękny, poetycki styl pisania całkowicie skradły moje serce! Regularnie wracam do nich, mimo iż znam fabułe każdej z osobna niemalże na pamięć c: — może to z sentymentu, albo po prostu z czystej adoracji. Niemniej jednak szczerze jestem wdzięczna za tak wysokie standardy oraz życzę dalszego sukcesu, na który jako twórca tak dobrych powieści z całym szacunkiem zasługujesz ♡


@citygirly_  Jest mi niezmiernie miło słyszeć takie słowa, tym bardziej że zdaję sobie sprawę z pewnych niedociągnięć, szczególnie w "the hunted". Aktualnie pracuję cały czas nad "The Crow", ale też w wolnych chwilach staram się w końcu edytować "the Hunted" i poprawić te wszystkie literówki i powtórzenia, więc być może niedługo będziesz mogła je przeczytać w nieco nowej, ulepszonej odsłonie. Niemniej jednak cieszy mnie, że moje prace sprawiają ci przyjemność i że lubisz do nich wracać. Dziękuję ❤️


Hi Ayaeshee. I wanna tell you that I have read THE TASTE OF INK for the very 4th time. And I'm again here to tell you that what you've written should have a million readers. Because I cannot seem bored of it.Like the hell bro. What's gotten in your mind.Please please please it's a request from me that I want a bonus chapter after their patch up. I hope you'll take heed to my request. I'm the biggest fan of your writing. And if you can recommend me some more taekook ff with better pronunciation and longest chapters than kindly do. I hope I'm not bothering you. Bye 


@KpopStanner9 Yes I agree with u... Nothing can beat with the writing of "Taste of Ink"...nd yes we need a bonus chapter. 


Zdaje się, że Wattpad znowu nie wysłał powiadomienia, więc chciałam Wam dać znać, że wleciał nowy rozdział Kruka. Zapraszam serdecznie!
          It seems that Wattpad didn't send notifications again, so I wanted to let you know that I've published a new chapter of The Crow. Enjoy!


no wait.....you are the writer of taste of ink...Damn. It was one great book I found on ao3.  I didn't knew it was on wattpad. Your book is pretty famous on ao3. It should have been here too. Wattpad really has weird algorithm


@dish1726  Yes. I actually started uploading my books on wattpad first, and only then on ao3, but I'm extremely pleased to hear that you liked my book. Thank you 


Hej, hej. Zdaje się, że nie wszyscy dostali powiadomienie. Dzisiaj wleciał nowy rozdział Kruka, więc zapraszam serdecznie!
          Hello. It looks like wattpad didn't send notifications to everyone, so I wanted to let you know that I've published a new chapter of The Crow. Enjoy! 


@ Ayashee11  I was thinking... Anyway, if it is, I will wait a whole year for this book!❤️


@LvVkoo  There is still a lot left to go. I don't have the chapters exactly planned out, but we're not even halfway through. 


@ Ayashee11  Yes,I didn't get the notification... But anyway author, thanks for the update! I can't wait for this book to be finished because I'm just too impatient to start it now ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ 


Ever since I read 'The taste of ink' my standards have gone up so much! It is the most perfect and well-scored book that I have read in the last two years! It's been a year since I read this masterpiece, and even today I haven't found anything more perfect than it!I will never stop recommending this book, I hope it becomes the most popular Taekook book because it deserves all the praise in the world! And also dear author thank you so much for sharing this beautiful book with us! (Btw I read all your books ❤️)


@adriannawascold  thank you sweetie ❤️ It means more than you think. Sometimes it's hard to motivate myself and I have moments of doubt, but I'm also stubborn and don't like to give up, and I wouldn't want to let my readers down, so I keep fighting. You are all my motivation, so thank you. 


@Ayashee11 hey! Was just reading through here since you posted a new chapter and I came across this. I must say that this is so heartbreaking to read! I can only speak for myself, but I’m certain there’s other people who feel the same. Your books are the best books I have ever read and you are not writing for yourself only. Almost every single day I think “when is a new chapter coming, it’s been so long!”. All. The. Time, I think about this book. In the most random moments it comes in my thoughts. The crow is one of the most unique books I’ve ever read with one of the best plots and the best writing. I would be devastated if it was discontinued, it is so so so so so good. It must be very hard to write without many people reading, but just know that the ones who do read appreciate it and love it so much. Thank you for all you do, I am eternally grateful for your books and you for writing them. Please, Keep going strong!!


@LvVkoo  thank you ❤️ have a lovely day/night! 


Hii! Just wanted to come here and tell you how much i loved the story “the taste of ink”. I’ve been ook Wattpad for almost 5 years i believe, and your story is by far the best one i have read. So i just wanted to say thank you for writing it. And i will be reading your other story’s aswell. Take care❤️


@Demia2000  hello! I really don't know what to say. I have no words. Thank you ❤️


Hey, hey. First of all, I would like to apologize to you for waiting so long for the new chapter of "The Crow". I was working on a special birthday project for my friend for a while, so I didn't have much time to write a chapter. The chapter is almost ready, so I hope that I will be able to add it on Monday, and in the meantime, I encourage you to take a look at my birthday project - a translation into English of a beautiful story about our Taekook, which was created by my friend. The story is not long, but really beautiful, romantic, with a bit of spice, so if you want, go ahead! Please, show her some love because I think she deserves it. 


@ Ayashee11  ❤️❤️❤️