
And therein lies the whole of man's plight. Human time does not turn in a circle; it runs ahead in a straight line. That is why man cannot be happy: happiness is the longing for repetition.


There are human beings, no matter how life afflicts them, the pride of the soul and the stability of the origin remain, the sublimity of thought and the sophistication of words, their minerals appear and the value of high morals is known by their presence
           And there are humans, no matter how much money, luck or knowledge life adds to them, no difference appears on them, because whoever is inside is poor, no matter how hard he makes, his appearance will not change.


Do not think about yesterday's jobs that were painful, and do not grieve for him for the sake of someone who did not appreciate the meaning of your presence next to him....
          Rather, never to pay attention to himself, his conviction and his desire...>_<


It is unfortunate that sme pple spend their time in vain, Negligance is his habit, and laziness is his motto, he doesn't take into acount the mastery of work and doesn't seek to achieve a goal, but he is satisfied with lack and lack production,,,:(   "Ahmad hanbali"


Assalamualaikum, beautiful!
          Thank you for voting my story<3
          Stay beautiful, stay yourself..


apu, i texted you... please reply