
Damn I forgot Wattpad exists... So sorry guys! ^^'


Hello my dearest people!
          So I'M BACK!
          Some of you maybe noticed that I republished Poisoned and the sequel again...
          just a few seconds ago, the first chapter of a new story is available on my profile! It's called "Unit 402" and it's a Tlok x Arcane crossover, SO MAKE SURE TO CHECK IT OUT!
          I missed you so much, but I'm finally back and got my stuff together (pretty much)
          I can't wait for more updates, I'll see you (hopefully) soon!
          - Alex.


Hey guys!
          So a quick but I guess important update.
          No, I am not dead :D
          First of all, some of y'all maybe noticed, some probably didn't, but I cancelled publishing Poisoned and the sequel.
          Because (Amazing reason right?)
          Just kidding, I unpublished it because I reread it and I just didn't liked it.
          Why now?
          Some might ask "the story has been out for months and you haven't updated why do you do it now?" Well simply I wanted to continue but I wasn't sure how, when I now reread the story, I noticed some stuff that are not right and I don't like them.
          What exactly?
          From it all, the worst thing there was time, some stuff were done too quickly, or took too long.
          So... What now?
          I will either rewrite the story, or write a completely new one, which I don't know when it will come out but I really am thinking about writing a new story.
          I hope you guys understand, like I said I don't know when I will publish the new story and or/if I'll ever republish this one.
          See ya later, thank you.


You post the chapter but it's says that failed to load... 


@Vee_Tee_Ess don't worry, I said because I thought something happened with the wattpad or something like this! Thanks :) 


@FabroCastell it's true, I felt like that chapter was too rushed and I didn't liked it so I unpublished it, right now I'm working on the rewriting it, sorry for the confusion, I promise I'll try my hardest to post the chapter as soon as possible.


Hey guys! Alex here! I got some pretty important info for you.
          So I got some not really good news, I got a job for this week for now, it looks like it will last for whole week. Why I'm telling you this is yesterday I was there for the first time, and I came home in the evening completely tired.
          I tried to find some time to write during the day, but it was only like 10 minutes.
          That's why I wanna say that poisoned won't get updated until next weekend, I should be done with the job for good by Friday, then I'll probably take a day off and then there should be a new chapter.
          I'm really sorry guys but I can't really make it happen, but what I can tell you is that there are some good things going to happen, and that I think the waiting will be worth it.
          One more thing I got few chapters half way finished, and If I will find time for writing, then I'll write but no promises.
          Hope you guys understand, sorry for such a long message.
          See you!
          - Alex.


@Vee_Tee_Ess your welcome! Take your time you don’t have to rush if it’s not ready


@ilikesleep123 thank you! And thanks or understanding haha! I should be able to release new chapter today, I managed to write something during my breaks so I have to just finish it and edit it, no promises tho.


I know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and its okay ;3


Hello! Alex here!
          I'm here to announce a competition for the best theory about our unknown person in Chapter 12 of Poisoned. 
          I call the competition "Hunt on the ???"
          Write your theories here! And I'll announce the winner once you'll get the know who it is. It's just for fun you don't have to join, and these who already wrote their theories can still write them here.
          I can't wait to see your theories :D
          - Alex.


I think it’s korra, I have evidence to prove my theory too. 
            1)Korra has her leg amputated. While ??? was running away from the cops they said their leg started hurting and korra has an amputated leg so it would make sense for korra to be running and she put all the pressure on her leg which would make it hurt.
            2) Yes, korra does live on an island but that didn’t stop her from sneaking out before. In season 1 of LOK she snuck off the island using waterbending. So maybe she used waterbending to sneak off the island again to go to organization that’s in the mountains (I forgot the name)
            3) ??? is the only person that they don’t know. ??? was also gone for three months. Korra was gone away while she was trying to be healed during those months because she was poisoned so she would have to wait and recover


Hey y'all
          So I had a small writers block past few weeks but I'm glad to say that I'm officially back to writing the story.
          As far as I am with writing the story I'm really proud of it and I think it's turning out better then I expected it just takes a lot more time then I thought it will to write it.
          So until I'll know for sure when the story will come out I'm not gonna post any deadline, I'm sorry but it's just how it is, I still have some chapters left and I haven't edited neither one of these that are already written and that will also take time.
          I'll keep y'all updated, I hope everyone is doing well.
          - Veronica


@carla_Ggtwdg you're welcome, and thank you for your support, I'll think about it but no promises, maybe I'll repost it later.


@Vee_Tee_Ess I could publish them anyway, it is not necessary that the continues I liked to read them even if there is no continuation thank you very much for answering


@carla_Ggtwdg which one now? I announced earlier that I won't continue these The Walking Dead stories anymore since I don't really know how to continue, but right now I'm write one new different story, which one be a FanFiction, which is the story I was talking about.


Well hello dear people....
          Seriously I couldn't think of any better start lol...
          Well anyways, here's just a quick update for these 15 people that read the "book" I made, honestly I don't even know why I made it and why I haven't used this right away instead.
          I'm back for a little, and I'm happy to say I have one project going on, which could be hopefully done by the end of this year, it might take a while due to my medical condition.
          I won't go to details about either one of these things, just that I'm currently working on both of them.
          And so about that informational book or how should I call it, I think I'll delete it, I don't know what to do with it.
          Thank you.
          See ya.
          - Veronica


@Vee_Tee_Ess It's good to see you're doing okay. I'm glad you're working on something, and I know it'll be good. Hope you're okay, my friend. Take care and stay safe