
Hi Everyone, so sorry for not being active. I’m having medical complications, but I’ll do my best to respond to your requests. All I ask is to please be patient with me.


Hi, I was wondering how you’re doing :)


@Azarayze I am sorry for loss. I know exactly how it feels to loose a family member. It’s horrible. If you need anything, I am here ❤️


@tfp-fanfiction I haven't been doing so well honestly. Its around the time when my grandmother died. I've been so overwhelmed with emotions I don't understand how to fully express myself and its causing a lot of stress. Sorry to brood you with my problems, thanks for asking :)


Hi everyone I know I haven’t been very active it’s just a lot is going on I’m filled with so many emotions I don’t know what to do. I’m so stressed out I stopped eating, I just feel like dying. I don’t know when I’ll be able to write again. For the time being please just bear with me.