Re-obsessed with Grease ❤️


@B1EB3R What about love is one of my favourite books to read on Wattpad, it literally left me crying at the end, I recently came back on Wattpad cause I desperately want to read the sequel lost but found, but I can’t find it Is it still out or have you removed it??? ( I really really really want to read it and find out what happens next!!! ) 


Yooo again. It's me, a fellow belieber. I just saw ur comment in another story and I wanted to check ur profile again. I just wanted to say I love u so much for still standing by JB even tho he want through a bad phase, because I've got people fighting with me on youtube for JB and things got so heated I had to delete my comment lol, and u being one of the little amount of people that still is by him being in wattpad makes me so happy
          Sinceirely, a wierd person in the inside EL


Aww that's so sweet of you to say (: I love you so much and every other true belieber <3 it makes me happy when I see people standing up for him. Thank you for this message it really made my day.. And I did see your comment, I'm Muslim too haha (I just thought it would be a funny thing to say) 