THIS ! This is the definitive version of the "DrakeNier" fic I've been trying to promote here ! Sorry for the messy posts earlier related to this fic, but now, route W and its branches are all structured. Enjoy.


This story is mainly centered around "Little Nightmares" and two British shows/books made for children, which are "Noddy" and "Bernard's watch". The latter, which involves an arc with the Collector from the "Owl House", explains the origin of the Tower. The former's role will be revealed in time.
          I just don't think there are enough thriller/horror takes on children's shows. Everything is about smut for some reason. So I wanted to change that.
          Also, Hoshino Ai from "Oshi no ko" appears in the "LN" section. She's key to the development of Mono and Six.


This is my most popular story out here (it appears on some fic recs), yet I don't have it on my profile. Well, the problem is now fixed. This is my crossover take on the events post-Rebellion, involving multiple fandoms. It's a sequel to "Similar Stories", but this universe/series's story officially begins here. By the name, you can see Lain, Arisu and Homura are the main focus. But they're not the only people. Enjoy.


This is pretty much the novelization of the "Drakenier" saga, except it's not based on route E. Instead, we follow a route of my own.
          Personally, I don't believe in the multi-timeline thing, so from my perspective as a self nomitated historian, these are the true events of "Drakenier", from an archeological/historic perspective. But if it helps, you can imagine this as route W, which has the same name as Seere's, except we are not constrained to his dreams. This is the world dreamt by the Intoners and the Flower in them
          Oh ! Just like "Final Fantasy 14" is canon to "Nier", my other fanfics are canon to this novel saga, so don't be surprised by the appearance of the Luteces. In fact, pay close attention to them, because despite being a world that is mostly going to remain isolated from the multiverse, "Drakenier" is still going to play a part, albeit more indirectly.
          Ok, I think that's all. Have fun !
          P.S: Sorry for the hiatus. Had a blockade on a fanfic that I'm still struggling with, but I am launching other works in the meantime.
          I just published " Flower, flower in the earth...(song's prelude) " of my story " Drakengard: [W]ild Dreams of Deluded children (DrakeNier's historical recount 1) ".