does anyone have that one story or a link? i remember it being called possessive (or a synonym of the sort) and it was about this dude who gets drunk at a party and wakes up in another dudes bed and the second dude won’t leave him alone. i also remember the cover being white bedsheets.


@THlCKDICKDADDY27 wow! Such detail! Such description! Skhskshsks love how u threw in the white sheets
जवाब दें


does anyone have that one story or a link? i remember it being called possessive (or a synonym of the sort) and it was about this dude who gets drunk at a party and wakes up in another dudes bed and the second dude won’t leave him alone. i also remember the cover being white bedsheets.


@THlCKDICKDADDY27 wow! Such detail! Such description! Skhskshsks love how u threw in the white sheets
जवाब दें


*Gasp* a fellow Lund fan that’s fun btw I noticed you HAHA...srry...
          Anyways.... I love reading smaller ppls books bc I have nothing better to do, BUT I also like to help share their work bc I think everyone has potential in writing(almost everyone...) but doesn’t have the confidence to publish it or in this case post it (like me) 
          Anyways just know if you do decide to post something I will be more than happy to read it!! 
          (wow i am so cheesy)