
♥~Hey guys! So, my family bought a house about a year ago, and I'm sad to announce that we will be moving into a trailer this weekend and living there for the entire summer as our new house gets remodeled. I lost the charger to my laptop two months ago so I have been going online on our computer. This means that:
          	1. I'm not gonna be on Roblox
          	2. I'm not gonna be on Wattpad
          	3. And I'm not gonna be able to write the chapters I was hoping to write over the summer for my fanfics, since school has been making me waaaaaaaay behind on that.
          	Unless I find the charger, i'm screwed.
          	That also means I have to make new friends at my NEW school.
          	Anyways, I might be on a bit during the week to cry over how I won't survive the summer. Bai, my cinnamon rolls~!♥


Same here sis!


@ChandereUwU awww I'm so sorry, fam! :((( That sucks.   We'll miss you  a lot!  And I REAAAAAALLLYY hope you find that charger!


Legend has it that the three months is almost up, and our friend will soon return to us


            Wait are you actually back or just for like a day?


@TurtleGoddess10 Maybe.... Maybe not 0w0


♥~Hey guys! So, my family bought a house about a year ago, and I'm sad to announce that we will be moving into a trailer this weekend and living there for the entire summer as our new house gets remodeled. I lost the charger to my laptop two months ago so I have been going online on our computer. This means that:
          1. I'm not gonna be on Roblox
          2. I'm not gonna be on Wattpad
          3. And I'm not gonna be able to write the chapters I was hoping to write over the summer for my fanfics, since school has been making me waaaaaaaay behind on that.
          Unless I find the charger, i'm screwed.
          That also means I have to make new friends at my NEW school.
          Anyways, I might be on a bit during the week to cry over how I won't survive the summer. Bai, my cinnamon rolls~!♥


Same here sis!


@ChandereUwU awww I'm so sorry, fam! :((( That sucks.   We'll miss you  a lot!  And I REAAAAAALLLYY hope you find that charger!


Oooh I like your profile pic!! :3 Natsuki is the best!! And thanks for the followwww~