
@JessieMusicalSF14 ahhhh I love it when people say they like my writing, it gets me all excited to write more. Thanks! Hopefully an update will come on July 13th


@BabyBearBri Love it! I will wait for it :)


Ayyy I haven't been active what so ever... My bad. Anyways, it's summer (yay) and that means I'm going to try to start reading on here again and hopefully updating and starting a new story! Thanks for stickin in there guys, if any of you even care about me anymore. You're the best!! :D


          Hello! I'm working on an update for my One Direction story (hopeully done by Suday) and then I'll be working on what most of my followers want, and my favorite story, To See the Rain Again! But don't expect anything soon because I just started highschool last week and volleyball season is in full swing meaning that I don't get home until 9 o'clock most nights and 3 hours of homework after that. Weekends are taken up by volleyball tournaments, and I didn't even have time to audition for my first highschool play! Disappointing! I miss my writing though, so every free moment that I'm not cramming in sleep and a social life I'll try to write! Hope you understand:):) Love you guys, please don't give up on me yet.