
..... I just finished sinking woman and tried reading some of your books and I chose gal pal hoping that it'll be a sweet ending, I love you but why it got to be so sad (Imma wait for the sequel tho eheheh)


@Leo-uke Hehe, yeah… Most of my stories don’t have very happy endings. I tend to lean heavily on the dark side of dark romance. ^^’


do you plan on updating stupid cupid it’s my favorite of yours! i’ve been rereading with how good it is


@baddie1111111 It's not discontinued, just on hiatus! I'm working on it now among other things. I don't know when it'll be updated, because I like to have a lot of chapter written before I start updating again.


Ngl you’re definitely one of my top 5 wattpad writers. I’ve read almost all of your stories and they’re all so unique and rereadable. Also don’t feel ashamed about taking breaks, you’re a human being first and an author second. 


@UrFavFriend101 D'awww! Thank you! <333 I try to remind myself that my writing is a hobby, and it's supposed to be something I enjoy. But it's difficult sometimes because I feel like I'm disappointing my followers by not consistently updating.


Ugh sinking woman has made me obsessed with siren stories again sad part? They don't give me the same feelings I feel like when I read sinking woman


@Leo-uke I actually started writing Sinking Women because I couldn't find any siren stories I absolutely loved. So at least you're not alone!


New Sinking Woman chapters are amazing! Also are you planning to update Chefs Kiss anytime soon?


@Babylon29247 No problem at all, again all your stories are great :)


@Dodozinland The remaining chapters are outlined but not completely written. I don't know when it'll be updated. Sorry!


Hey! Since ur back updating sinking woman, do you think you'll start updating other books or are you not sure?


@Babylon29247 okay cool! Love the new sinking woman chapters btw


@blkwasher I don't know! I should probably bring Gal Pals' unfinished sequel to WattPad at the very least. Then I'm hoping to publish something new. The incomplete things I have published right now don't have enough new chapters written to update.


Damn I love your stories so much you have no idea how many times I've reread your stories, How on earth are you able to create such amazing books????


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@Leo-uke Thank you! Most of my brain-children come from a thought of, "What is X happened? How fucked up would that be?" xD


          I've almost finished reading and r-reading ur works for the past months. And tbh I've seen no one write wlw as good as u do, like they're so addicting?? HELP. but i have a question, the sister lament one, is it done? Like the end, no special chapter ehatsoever? (TT) 
          pls Babylon do u have other works somewhere, it's not enough it's summer and i finally have time to read ur books. But now i just finished reading gal pals and guiltily wanted more. Sorry. maybe im demanding too much, it would do me so soo much favor if u publish more (or if u have other drafts discarded somewhere) srsly tho no one writes wlw so good it slaps me right thru my brain, such talenttt gurll!!
          anw u are such an amazing writer! Wishing you good health and stability.<33


@FruthieYana Hey! Hello! I’m pleased you enjoy my work so much! Unfortunately, Stepsister’s Lament is officially done. I wanted to leave it with a dark, open ending. It’s unlikely to get a sequel, either, unlike a few of my other works. ( (。•̀ᴗ-) Shhh!)
            I have a bunch of unpublished drafts right now. I’m working on a little bit of everything, in fact. I hope to have something published by August at the latest, so you might have something new to read this summer. Whether it will be any good is another story. ( ´ ∀`)
            Once again, thank you for your support! And have a great day! ♡


Gal pals has a sequel on quotev called New friend but it’s not finished. Theres also other works of theirs that might not be on Wattpad. From what I’ve seen though Babylons hasn’t updated anything for a couple months now so dont get your hopes up for updates on the ongoing stories.


@FruthieYana heyy again no pressure alright? the lack of ending in most of ur stories are sending me on edge, maybe i should touch some grass for  while i wait. No pressure! We love a good ending. 


I loved Sinking Woman, I hope you are well. I am so excited for when you are able to post and update your stories. They are amazing, I'm going through them like hot cakes❤️‍❤️‍❤️‍


@deadly_sensation Thank you! <333 Although now I have an insatiable craving for hot cakes. (´┓`*)