
Holy crap guys It's been a year. and....... I still haven't updated. I want to personally apologize to all of you who have stood by me despite my many shortcomings as a young writer. I unfortunately could not update for this past year because of many psychological issues that have kept me from being stable enough to pull any good update out of my ass. I didn't think it would be fair to give you a story while not at my best, but good news!!!! I am now okay! SO, yes, updates will start again. I know how terrible it is to leave a story unfinished, so I WILL finish them. But, please try to understand why I have been gone, and i'm still sorry for that. Glad to be back! :)


@BallisticSasukeHero you haven't updated one of your stories for over 3 years


Hi!!!!! Nice to meet you~~~~!!! Oh no--- not that! The reason I did that was to make you smile.... Sorry. Oh well. What I want to say is that if one of your stories is completed, there's a complete button there on your story and you have to click it to show that you've completed that particular story. Sooooo I'm very so if I'm being annoying I just got confused at first because you said that your story "The Remnants Of A Sand Castle (A Gaara Love Story)" was completed. And in the status of that story itself it said "Ongoing - Updated Aug 27, 2013" so I got very confused. And in order to avoid more confusion like mine, I know that it will be a drag, like what Shikamaru had said in Naruto, hehehe, you have to click the Complete button to indicate that it is completed. Thank You~!!!! I hope that I'm not that tooooo annoying to you. I'M SORRY!


Holy crap guys It's been a year. and....... I still haven't updated. I want to personally apologize to all of you who have stood by me despite my many shortcomings as a young writer. I unfortunately could not update for this past year because of many psychological issues that have kept me from being stable enough to pull any good update out of my ass. I didn't think it would be fair to give you a story while not at my best, but good news!!!! I am now okay! SO, yes, updates will start again. I know how terrible it is to leave a story unfinished, so I WILL finish them. But, please try to understand why I have been gone, and i'm still sorry for that. Glad to be back! :)


@BallisticSasukeHero you haven't updated one of your stories for over 3 years


@StormyRawr Haha, yeah love them and AOT. You're welcome about your story, looked interesting, so! Yeah, I'm just in a total rut with my writing. My soon - to - be published book is taking all my time and creativity.. :( Not to mention ludicrous amounts of homework and play practice....
          @RissaFelice Yeah, I can't stand him in the anime, but I <3 him fanfics... Weird, right?


By the way home dawg, thanks for fanning me. ^.^


Homework frustrates me. We spend hours at school and we have our free time. In our free time we should be able to do whatever we please, not have to do homework. >:c Published on Wattpad or published with an editor and all that official jazz? :o I'm sure it will come out great. ^.^ Good luck in your play.