
I think it is obvious since it's been so long but I am no longer writing on this account. Sadly this means that the Jasper story will remain unfinished with only a slim chance I will go back to try and finish it or will delete a few chapters so the story is finished. I'm sorry but this is the end of my use of this account.
          	Lots of love, Elizabeth.


@Aya_the_bagel hey, the reason I think it’s all mixed up is because I recently unpublished it then published it again but at mass. I unpublished it in order to publish the chapters in the correct order, hopefully that would fix it. Thank you and maybe in the future I will take the time to rewrite the story in my current skill of writing, I’m not sure yet as I’ve begun my journey as an adult and don’t have as much time anymore and have matured in comparison to how I use to be. Maybe there is a chance for that but as for now I hope you enjoy what it is. I appreciate it. ❤️ (let me know if the chapters are still messed up)


@Bambi2 The chapters for your Jasper book are all out of order, at least for me they are. 
          	  Also it's fine that you leave it unfinished, don't delete any chapters in attempt to make it look finished. We can still appreciate what you wrote of it. 


So will you write jasper story in a new account then ? I love that story very much 


I think it is obvious since it's been so long but I am no longer writing on this account. Sadly this means that the Jasper story will remain unfinished with only a slim chance I will go back to try and finish it or will delete a few chapters so the story is finished. I'm sorry but this is the end of my use of this account.
          Lots of love, Elizabeth.


@Aya_the_bagel hey, the reason I think it’s all mixed up is because I recently unpublished it then published it again but at mass. I unpublished it in order to publish the chapters in the correct order, hopefully that would fix it. Thank you and maybe in the future I will take the time to rewrite the story in my current skill of writing, I’m not sure yet as I’ve begun my journey as an adult and don’t have as much time anymore and have matured in comparison to how I use to be. Maybe there is a chance for that but as for now I hope you enjoy what it is. I appreciate it. ❤️ (let me know if the chapters are still messed up)


@Bambi2 The chapters for your Jasper book are all out of order, at least for me they are. 
            Also it's fine that you leave it unfinished, don't delete any chapters in attempt to make it look finished. We can still appreciate what you wrote of it. 


So will you write jasper story in a new account then ? I love that story very much 


Is it weird that I get in character when I write my Madly In Love story? Like a method actor does with a movie role? Yeah? Okay, I guess I'm a bit crazy.


Well it's made it such a good story :) 