
The fic Sleepover Confessions is being canceled. Sorry to everyone who liked it. My writing style has changed since its creation and I can't seem to make the chapters work. There will be other fanfics to come, though.


@shadowfire14 Don't worry, you spelled it correctly. Well hi. I wouldn't call myself famous but... Yeah, so you must be her friend from Ohio. It's nice to meet you.


@BananaBird miss you so much. i see you have met emily.... we kinda became friends when i said she looked like you... then there was aquard silence the rest of the day.
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@BananaBird lol right :) I don't even know what to talk about soooo
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so this is the famous Liz I hear about from Brianna (I have no idea if I spelled that right) but anyways she says we are a lot alike soooo