
Sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while but I have been busy with school and band and I should be updating soon or over christmas break but I'm not sure yet. I am trying to finish the next chapter right now and I should be done with it in a couple of weeks so I should be updating soon. Sorry it's been a while!!! Love Connor!!!


You are so flip-floppin' lucky. Next year I'm trying out for marching band.
          Is it difficult? Do you play bass clar. in the marching band? How do memorize the steps that you have to do? Or do you not have to move that much?


Sorry that I haven't replied recently. It's not hard at all but I have been doing it for a while now. Yes I play bass clarinet in marching band. I go all over the field during the entire show and it's pretty easy to memorize where I go and the music isn't that difficult either once you get it down. 


Sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while but I have been busy with school and band and I should be updating soon or over christmas break but I'm not sure yet. I am trying to finish the next chapter right now and I should be done with it in a couple of weeks so I should be updating soon. Sorry it's been a while!!! Love Connor!!!