
"Why are you asking me these questions about her? Don't you like me?!", Jane had blurted out. 
          	The conversation had just gone uber-interesting. In the background, I could swear I was hearing the theme song from "Friends" or was it "How I met your mother"!
          	I tried to stifle a laugh and quickly decided that my integrity or what was left of it ....needed me to go and find yet another book. 
          	These kids - Jane, John ....and Cindy needed to sort this out on their own, away from my eavesdropping! 
          	So much for Information Seeking Behaviour: here came Love Triangles! 
          	I wonder if the triangles came as Isosceles, right angled or something else...
          	I took one last look at John and Jane and thought about Cindy....and reasoned,
          	"Probably Obtuse..."
          	Just an excerpt from Short Stories from the Soul, the book I am currently working on. If the above extract tickles your fancy, check out the book - currently 4 chapters or short stories rather. The book's actually finished but I'm "curating" it and trying to tie everything in a unifying structure.
          	Thanks everyone! 


"Why are you asking me these questions about her? Don't you like me?!", Jane had blurted out. 
          The conversation had just gone uber-interesting. In the background, I could swear I was hearing the theme song from "Friends" or was it "How I met your mother"!
          I tried to stifle a laugh and quickly decided that my integrity or what was left of it ....needed me to go and find yet another book. 
          These kids - Jane, John ....and Cindy needed to sort this out on their own, away from my eavesdropping! 
          So much for Information Seeking Behaviour: here came Love Triangles! 
          I wonder if the triangles came as Isosceles, right angled or something else...
          I took one last look at John and Jane and thought about Cindy....and reasoned,
          "Probably Obtuse..."
          Just an excerpt from Short Stories from the Soul, the book I am currently working on. If the above extract tickles your fancy, check out the book - currently 4 chapters or short stories rather. The book's actually finished but I'm "curating" it and trying to tie everything in a unifying structure.
          Thanks everyone!