
Should I make a paranormal book? My dad and his side of the family was able to communicate with spirits in some way (either feeling them, seeing hearing , etc.) I’ve inherited this and have utilized it into my Pagan religions. I can see if they want to show, I can hear and my most prominent trait is being able to feel a spirits presence. I have a theory on a spirit who attached herself to me. Let me know below!


Should I make a paranormal book? My dad and his side of the family was able to communicate with spirits in some way (either feeling them, seeing hearing , etc.) I’ve inherited this and have utilized it into my Pagan religions. I can see if they want to show, I can hear and my most prominent trait is being able to feel a spirits presence. I have a theory on a spirit who attached herself to me. Let me know below!


I’m upset. My capture won’t capture my 10 minute Mei video. I have a few flanking videos (all are short, but they’ll be put together) and a couple plays and highlights, but my round analysis ones refuse to capture, even when I hit record. I apologize for this MASSIVE Mei Guide delay. With the quarantine continuing, I hope to fix this issue and get enough footage. So many apologies on my side folks.
          I hope everyone is safe and trying to make it less boring. 
          Much love to all,


―hey quick questiom: is there any overwatch streamers you like? I prefer to watch Jay3, Sleepy, and frogger. I just wanted to ask to see if we have anything in common!


LOVE Kephrii (sadly he isn’t playing OW anymore), Sleepy, Aspen and I watch Bro You Wack. I watch a couple others but these are my main.


PLEASE DONT KILL ME, A WEENY MERCY, IN SKIRMISH! I AM NOT A THREAT, JUST A FRIENDLY BEAN. I was in a skirmish with two friends that I was playing with. The skrim lasted 30+ minutes, and we made friends with everyone. Their Sombra must’ve been OW bipolar though XD


Alright ;-; so, sadly, WP will NOT LET ME change my name. I have this notebook with all passwords and such in it and WP won’t let me change because when I go to verify, a black text box (usually the one that says something like, “successfully changed”) shows up but I cannot see the words. And my name never changes. I’m assuming it’s saying I’m using wrong password, but I’m not. So I guess I’m still Battle Mercy ‍♀️ so sorry everyone.
          As always, no matter what, 


Hey all! My Mei guide unfortunately isn’t out yet. Sadly, I have to delay it by at least a month. Currently, I am in Japan to see family and participate in family ceremonies, so I won’t be able to start a whole new thing. Also, all my Mei play footage is all gone. Somehow my cloud deleted it all and I don’t have OW with me atm. so we have to push the guide back. Apologies!