
I don't know who needs to hear this but it's funny. Earlier my little brother was crying because he got hurt so I asked him 'what hurts?' and he said 'mui foot' I asked him ' why does your foot hurt?' and he said while repeating the action 'because I step in it see!' I almost died laughing at that! I'm sorry it's just funny to me.


@RavyParrish716 no it wasn't Raph but it was still funny as hell


@Baybeth so wait was this Raph being an idiot? lmao


I don't know who needs to hear this but it's funny. Earlier my little brother was crying because he got hurt so I asked him 'what hurts?' and he said 'mui foot' I asked him ' why does your foot hurt?' and he said while repeating the action 'because I step in it see!' I almost died laughing at that! I'm sorry it's just funny to me.


@RavyParrish716 no it wasn't Raph but it was still funny as hell


@Baybeth so wait was this Raph being an idiot? lmao


Hey everyone! I just updated the first story I started writing on here! I am really excited to update it more and update period actually! Hopefully you all enjoy the new chapter on when middle School went so wrong! Thank you all for reading and sticking with me! Love you all!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@RavyParrish716 well I am too but still


Hello everyone! Have you ever heard something and all you can do is laugh? I felt that a few days ago, I was on a party call with my best friend and her boyfriend. Well she left us alone for five minutes and he started impersonating a drunk/drugged mickey mouse. I was dying laughing! oh my gosh this was hilarious. 
          If your wondering why I posted this it was simply to give everyone something to laugh about. Also to humiliate him sense he is a wattpad user.


okay I was nice I didn't put either of your accounts! give me that


I meant 12131212


ANOTHER OF HIS ACC IS Karma Akabane another is Karma1213121


Hello everyone! I know my absense has likely not been noticed due to the serious time gaps between updates but if you're waiting I am sorry. I know I need to type but my brain is elsewhere and I am stuck on all my published stories. So if you're really wanting a specific story updated please tell me so I can focus back on writing. The suggested stories will be my main focus being updated before others. Anyway thank you and read what makes you smile!


@Baybeth welllllllllllll i cant help that sowwy sissi


@RavyParrish716 yes but you were the only one who even bothered replying!!!! Which is why I love you but come on only one reply?


@Baybeth Liz do you really think I can help that? Im grounded literally ALLLLLLLL the time and rn im still grounded -_-


Everyone help! My newest follower bluscott @bluescott is writing a story called mistaken love. Unfortunately he doesn't think its good enough and he wants to delete it! GUYS HELP ME SAVE THIS BOOK! Help me convince my newest follower,and real life good friend,that his story needs to be continued!Read,vote,and comment on his story!Together we can save this wonderful story.......hopefully


@bluescott pls dont delete ur book im sure its great. i havent read it yet buti will!