
The next time Daniel Radcliffe makes a movie I am going to the theatre dressed as Luna Lovegood. I will bring a friend dressed as Draco Malfoy and another friend dressed as a dementor. 
          	Deal, bitches. 


I hate madam pompadour. I think he was displacing his feelings for Rose; it was just a fling. 
          Rose is seemingly completely lost many times, but he never gives up on her. Even when she's stuck in an alternate dimension, she finds him. He sacrifices his desire for her to keep travelling with him for her love for him. He gives her himself without getting to enjoy getting old with the girl he loves. 
          I am literally crying right now. 
          When madam pompadour dies, he moves on. 


@nuclearKitKat  awright dawgs
            We are having bad wolf tattooed between our pinkie toe and imdex toe. 


Yeah I know... And the girl who plays Jenny is in fact the granddaughter of the actor who played an early doctor..,
            Oh, what a big, messed up family is Doctor Who... 


@Bbgun23 Just found out the woman who plays Madame de Pompadour is NOT David Tennant's wife. But the woman who played JENNY. The Doctor's DAUGHTER. I have mixed emotions right now. XD


My brain is too small to handle all my doctor who feels. I can't even. 
          Run, you clever boy... And remember. 
          Rose Tyler, I...
          I can barely watch it any more, it's so beautiful and fantastic and I cry nearly every episode it's so heartbreaking. 


 I'm remembering all these cringe moments in elementary school like when my friend made my laugh while I was taking a drink and I sprayed water across the room through my nose. And when I barged on this guys shoes. 
          I am shuddering so hard right now. 


I think that whovians who skip nine deserve to have their title revoked. I thank that would be fantastic. 
          For all the true fans, imagine this. 
          Flirty alien: hey doctor, is that a banana in your pocket or-
          Doctor: it's a banana. Let's go, Rose.