
Which one of yous are a genius when it comes to technology? I seriously need some help >⁠.⁠<


Which one of yous are a genius when it comes to technology? I seriously need some help >⁠.⁠<


Hi!, please update "That Summer when I met Her"


@Bbraeeee It's okay as long as i know you are still there


@charie__roseeeeee Hi! Thanks you for reading my books. At the moment I won't be able to update but don't worry, I'll try to update as soon as possible 


this message may be offensive
So like I have a confession to make. 
          I know I haven't really been active recently but life's crazy and so is my school. Like, a lot of shit to handle. BUT just like I say, I will not leave any of my books unfinished. So all of you who reads my books (which I can't comprehend how!? Like that's the Cringiest shit ever) you may know the Death of a Raven series. It's going to be a long story series till their adulthood with an epic last battle and now I'm stuck somewhere. 
          I want to kill one of the five Titans. Now it can't be Raven I already did that too many times. My heart's too weak to kill Gar and Rob and Star are outta my way too. So the last option left is, Cyborg. There was a moment when my brain just went 'You know what would be a great idea? Killing Cy!' and I was like 'No!? Yes....?' Cause I like to emotionally exhaust my readers. 
          So this is where your opinion comes in hand. Should I or should I not continue with this idea. Do you want some spice in the story or just the normal. Don't take it wrong I love Cy dearly but someone got to die and everyone had their turn except him. 
          Soo..... Opinions?


@ Bbraeeee  Poor cy lmao. All the luck with you know, school and stuff. 


I just came back from school and all I saw was that I hit 100 followers! Thank you all so much. And I know I keep saying i'll update but a lot is going on in my life recently and I have to focus on my studies as well. I promise by sunday I'll either update one of my books or just publish a new one shot. Thanj you so much again! I love you all so much!
          Stay safe


@Bbraeeee you very much deserved it!! and don't stress to much, you always come first ♡ take care xo


@Bbraeeee You're a celebrity XD