
Hello Author ❤hope you are well and healthy in this new enviro we have, hope also you can update your beautiful story, but take your time I knows authors like you have a lot of priorities in life like us, waiting patienty, take care.


I second departure14’s sentiments. This story is unique and well told. I hope you continue the story (at your own pace, of course) because you definitely have fans of it who patiently await your next update. Hope all is well or as well as can be expected in these challenging times. 


Hi, just stopped by here to say that I check for updates on this story every day, as well. No pressure, take your time, its just that your story line is quite different from the other fanfics and I am curious to see how it develops. Thanks!


Hi authornim! I hope you’re doing well. Can’t wait for your next update 


Glad you’re doing well. I really love your story. No pressure on updating, take your time . I was so used to binge watching/reading but after CLOY, shipping binjin and reading their fanfics I learned to be a lot more patient 


@rabbitfence hi! yes, just taking it slow actually.  including writing.  hehe! 
             thanks for checking up on me.   it's so kind of you.  hopefully, I can update more often now.