
I know it's been forever since I updated, and it still might be a while before I do so. Right now I'm trying to focus on writing "Promise and Me" on my other account. I made that account exclusively for my horse books and series. I used to have it posted here on this profile, but I decided it would be best to have it's own little account. If you guys could, I would really appreciate you guys taking a look or helping me out in gaining readers. I will do promotion for promotion if you're interested.


I know it's been forever since I updated, and it still might be a while before I do so. Right now I'm trying to focus on writing "Promise and Me" on my other account. I made that account exclusively for my horse books and series. I used to have it posted here on this profile, but I decided it would be best to have it's own little account. If you guys could, I would really appreciate you guys taking a look or helping me out in gaining readers. I will do promotion for promotion if you're interested.


@jlap11 Thanks (: It turns out they couldn't even clean my teeth today because of my braces, so we ended up driving an hour and missing school for nothing. Then I went to the doctor's office and I only got one shot, but they think I have anemia so I have to go get blood work done tomorrow 


What is with Bruno Mars and gorillas?


Then there's the Lazy Song music video


You'll be bangin' on my chest, bang bang, gorilaaa.  <3


Okay guys, so I still have writer's block. Which sucks :/ I know exactly where I want the story to go, but I have no idea how to make this chapter interesting and keep you guys begging for more. Ugh! It's so irritating! Hopefully I'll be able to work through it this afternoon and get an update for you guys