
I’m going to be changing accounts! I have no spark for this one anymore and I want to start new. The only thing that will be posted here is art (so I will be changing the tag to BeeKing-DoesArt) and my new account is @PLEASANTLY-AWFUL . I’ve had it for a while and I’ll be more active on it. I’ll try to post daily and I’ll be making new roleplays! Thank you for listening uwu


I’m going to be changing accounts! I have no spark for this one anymore and I want to start new. The only thing that will be posted here is art (so I will be changing the tag to BeeKing-DoesArt) and my new account is @PLEASANTLY-AWFUL . I’ve had it for a while and I’ll be more active on it. I’ll try to post daily and I’ll be making new roleplays! Thank you for listening uwu


JEBUS, I’m going to apologize for those I’m in roleplays with! I got all my stuff taken away for failing classes. My grades are now up and I should become slightly more active. I’m more active on Discord so if anyone wants that from me just PM me!


Oh man, it’s all good bro! Glad your grades are up!


No, I have not been crying most of the week because of the stress of school. 
          What makes you say that-


@BeeKing-Roleplays Ooof, honestly I cried a lot too during the first two weeks of my school-
            It's just too stressfullll T^T


Oxygen is gross


I think I have died on the inside-
          An old friend of mine messaged me last month on my instagram… I didn’t even notice till today.
          I knew this person from when I was hella young and I thought I lost them forever. I think I’m going to cry.
          I am so fvcking happy right now because this person was once my best friend.


So I just noticed something…
          I accidentally went back into a really toxic habit of mine and I don’t know how to get out this time-
          I tend to put others before me to the point I believe that’s my only purpose…
          Um, help?


@BeeKing-Roleplays I know it's hard to see any other purpose to your life, but I promise there is value in you. Please, stay strong, stick around, and when it gets too hard to see ahead, just put one foot in front of the other. The darkness doesn't last forever, I promise. Though you won't always be able to see it, there's always some light, some glimmer of hope, and I hope that it will be worth the struggle.


            It’s just hard for me to find myself useful besides just being mental support for other people. Thank you for trying to help.
            I actually did have a therapist but my mom took me out because “you where telling her everything you tell me”. Even though this person was a complete stranger, MOM. HUFF


@BeeKing-Roleplays I struggle with the same thing but I'm finally seeing a therapist (for various reasons), so the best I've got is to pass on some of the advice I've gotten. First off, remember that all people have worth simply for being, and that includes you! Second, if nothing else, you cannot help others if you burn yourself out. Third, know that your friends want you to be well and healthy, and one of the biggest parts of improving a relationship is to recognize what you need and voice it. If you need some space, some patience, some time, whatever else, try to speak up and say so! It doesn't guarantee that you get it, but saying what you want or need doesn't hurt anyone.
            You have worth, you matter, you deserve good things, you have so much purpose and potential, and we love ya! And if you'd ever like, feel free to private message me to talk about whatever!


I’m going to put my entire fist in a jar of pickles…
          I don’t even like pickles-


Well the plastic spoons are explainable. I’m just wondering why PiCkLeS!?


            I do not have an answer for you-
            I also have a growing army of tiny plastic spoons


          “He lied, he lied to me… I wanted the world and he wanted to destroy it…” ~ TordMatt
          “Eh, it’s no biggie… at least I won’t be alone anymore” ~ TomTord
          “Hey, smile one last time for me… okay?” ~ EddMatt
          “I’m sorry… I’ve lost interest in living” ~ TordEdd
          “*laughs* guess we’ll find out if there is a god… huh Mariana?” ~ TomEdd
          “Look, I live didn’t I? Just make sure to watch over my pets while I’m gone” ~ TomMatt
          “Looks like karma finally caught up! Can’t wait to fight with you in the next life~” ~ Ttem


            That is my goal as a writer.
            Get you overly attached to a character then kill them off


            Fine, but I still making sad noises