
Goodbye Steven Universe, thank you for everything, for the adventure, the journey, the songs, We are all happy to always Believe in Steven and now its our turn to Believe in ourselsves that we can find peace, love and hope and not give up on the future and thank you so much for helping me and many others feel hopeful for the future, that even though We all been through really hard times that hurt us so damn much...we can learn to love and respect ourselves again and face the future head on and give us a little time to figure out what we need, what we’re dreaming, where we are going, we got to try to believe in ourselves even when we think we will never make it to our dreams we have to believe in US Just like we believed in Steven from 2013-2020. Thank you Rebecca sugar! Thank you so much ❤️


Hey, I don't know if you remember me (I used to go by OfCourseSirr) but I just wanted to say that your writing helped me through a lot and your storytelling is amazing. I'm not in the fandom anymore and no longer really wanna be associated with it, but you're the one person I remember in it that helped me the most. I know I was just another random reader on a random fanfic website and I never really said anything, but wow, man. Your writing got me through some tough times. I don't know if this means anything or if you'll even see this, but you're awesome


@IM-TheFREAK001 thank you so much, it means a lot to me. I wish you luck with college, you can do this :)


Hello! I read your message, 
            I’m happy that my writing helped you through your tough times, it means a lot to me to know that I achieved to make someone’s day even if it’s a little bit since writing helped me with my own struggles through middle and high school…I’m about to start college next spring and I’m nervous but I’m ready. 
             I’m starting to write again after for what if feels so long ago, to finish my unfinished work I left behind as my last time writing fanfics , my last time being here on wattpad…I left a lot of people hanging and I felt bad to abandon the stories especially when they really loved it and I received messages of them if I’m ever coming back to finish. 
            I would be upset when my favorite stories were left unfinished or discontinued, I didn’t want to do that to people so I came back to finish them after that I’ll leave my fanfic writing behind don’t think I’ll have time to do it anymore or have any interest either…I’m happy that I made an impact enough to have you remember me and my fanfic stories, it means a lot to me to know that I made an impact and I hope you are happy and be the person you want to be and achieve your goals and dreams and that you’ll be happy with whoever your with and wherever you are with people who love and care about you as much as you are of them. 
            Take care of yourself, love yourself and be that person to make someone else’s day even if it’s a small gesture. Thank you for reading, thank you for this message :)
            You’ve made my day, 


I want to say thank you this story helped me through some though times and I'm now improving and liveing by the saying 
          Your skin isnt paper don't cut it
          Your face isnt a masks don't hide it 
          Your size is not a book don't judge it 
          Your life isn't a movie don't end it 
          So I thank you for making a amazing story based off depression and how it affects us and others and please don't stop being who you are 


Jaycobcordova12 Sorry I didn’t see your message sooner, I’m happy that my story helped you go through your struggles, I want you to know that I am proud that your getting better and I hope and pray for you to be happy and be the person you want to be. 
            Don’t ever give up on yourself because you do matter, be what you want to be and do what makes you happy and keep growing to be the best person you can be because you can do it, it’s your life and only you hold the pen of your own story. 
            I’m sorry if you ever had to go through your demons, I’m sorry if you had to suffer alone and I’m sorry that you had to experience that you deserve better and you along with everyone else who’s battle with depression and/or suicidal thoughts as I did—We deserve better and we can make it through even if it feels sometimes that things will never get better however that’s not true, things will get better and we will all see the light within our darkest moments of our’s never impossible, we have to fight our way through and there is no shame in getting the help you need or if you choose to deal with it on your own, it’s okay. 
            And thank you so much, I won’t stop being who I am I want to keep growing and keep getting better and be creative as I can be and hope that it’s enough to make people like you not give up on life and I’m happy that my old fanfic made an impact to you to keep going. 


Goodbye Steven Universe, thank you for everything, for the adventure, the journey, the songs, We are all happy to always Believe in Steven and now its our turn to Believe in ourselsves that we can find peace, love and hope and not give up on the future and thank you so much for helping me and many others feel hopeful for the future, that even though We all been through really hard times that hurt us so damn much...we can learn to love and respect ourselves again and face the future head on and give us a little time to figure out what we need, what we’re dreaming, where we are going, we got to try to believe in ourselves even when we think we will never make it to our dreams we have to believe in US Just like we believed in Steven from 2013-2020. Thank you Rebecca sugar! Thank you so much ❤️




@IM-TheFREAK001 Steven Universe is the best cartoon EVER!!!!!


If someone killed you I would wouldn't be at your funeral. I would have called the police, and I would be walking right up to the killer and tell them I hope your happy with what you have done. I would then say Sans lines like, "have a bad time" and all that. Then when the police arrive, I would say, "GET DUNKED ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 
          Don't question it. 
          Your great at making stories. 
          Send this to all the people you care about, including me, if you want.
          I want you to know you're an creative, good person, till, "infinity and beyond".
          If you don't get it, I understand. 
          But I have a something to do for you. (it's not hard if your lazy)
          Once you read this you have to send this to 15 people, including me (If you want).
          If you get 3 back. You are very loved. (your already loved!!!!! )
          No one knows how important something is until they lose it.
          Tonight (right at 12 am) the person you love will realize they love you.
          Then from 1 am to 2 am be ready for the shock of your life.
          With love, send this to 15 people.
          My friend told me to do this so pass it on.
          If you copy and paste this your next year will be blessed for you (hopefully). Best of luck!


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! that’s very kind of you! I wish, pray that you have a merry Christmas to you to your family and friends hope that you’ll have a great happy New Years!! I wish the best for you for 2020
            Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️




@IM-TheFREAK001 thanks to you as well! We have finished one more chapter of our life and are about to start a new one. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@Jasmine2785 Hey Jay! It’s been so long!! Congratulations to your achievement! I wish you the best wishes and blessings Thank you soo much!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@IM-TheFREAK001  I'm so happy for you my friend who I miss so much! I'm so proud of you!!! I wish you the best! P.S My graduation is on the 7th. Can't wait!