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I've been really confused about my sexuality lately, I like boys but I find myself more attracted to girls. I'm also attracted to nonbinary people too so I think I may be pansexual


Pansexual means you are attracted to people regardless of gender, bisexual means you are attracted to either binary gender, queer usually means you are attracted to all genders regardless of binary. Hope this helps! I myself am both bisexual and asexual, so that was fun to figure out but just remember that labels are just labels and humanity exists outside of labels. Just do what makes you happy. Labels are for other people not for you. Good luck!


@Ophelia_Winchester thats great! Find what makes you feel like your BEST self and what makes you comfortable. We’re here for you and we all love and support you❤️


@hannahsmith379160 @simply_jenna3000 @luciferstempest I appreciate the support and I'm gonna try experimenting with girls and see if I like that


Sorry to anyone who has followed me or messaged me recently. I haven’t been active recently and I apologize I will try to respond to everyone who has messaged me and I will also follow anyone who has followed me. ❤️