
          	Yup, I'm alive! And yeah, it MAY sound convenient but a pretty big thing happened so I was gone... for two years. But I'm back, luckily. And I can continue my life... So... That's good.
          	I promise to be good...


          Yup, I'm alive! And yeah, it MAY sound convenient but a pretty big thing happened so I was gone... for two years. But I'm back, luckily. And I can continue my life... So... That's good.
          I promise to be good...


@Ben_Savior From this day forth, Ben was never seen again..


Hello, people.
          Don't blame it on me, but I have been slow on updates. And I have a really good excu- reason for that. XD
          People are my reason. And family. There have been issues at my house but I am trying people, so hang in there. If you care. ;D
          Bye guys!


@Benny120 I AM HERE!!!
          First if all one of the members of twin writers (it's a joint account) is grounded (my brother) so he won't be able to write it till he gets his pic back, ill say sorry on behalf of him.
          Oh and if you read @realreadr123 's books he says he's sorry he can't update till he gets it back
          Second of all ill forgive you this time but please don't tell everyone my name again I prefer to be called dreamer
          Third of all you do have murderous thought a I have said before
          And other then that most of it is fine!! :)
          I'm out!! 0.o


So, recently, I was nominated for Twenty Questions. I then challenge @angynieves7 and @twinwriters123. I'm not really sure if you can do only two people. But when you think about it, @twinwriters123 has two people.
          Okay. Here we go:
          ~ I love videogames.
          ~ I prefer friends that are both genders.
          ~ My first ever best friend has a Wattpad account = @Mer623.
          ~ I have two older brothers and two younger ones (and two older sisters ;D)
          ~ I'm not a big writer but a big reader.
          ~ I suck at updates. :( Sorry.
          ~ I have a crazy family. But you don't miss what you have until you've gone and lost it.
          ~ I have never had a crush or loved someone before.
          ~ I'm homeschooled.
          ~ I have only been over one of my friends houses once but have gone multiple times to my brothers friends.
          ~ I love and believe in dragons. #imaginedragons XD
          ~ I have red hair and grey eyes.
          ~ I like to play guitar. My mom bought me one a few years ago. She has to yank it out of my hands for me to sop playing. 
          ~ I wish I could meet all you people. Ya wanna meet me? ...... I'm sorry, I can't hear you..
          ~ One of my friends told me I have murder thoughts. I really wonder if I do. Do I?
          ~ I have two Minecraft posters.
          ~ I have only seen (keyword: seen) one death in my family. That was my great grandfather. He died peacefully. :1
          ~ I like to ride my bike to a baseball park with my brothers and play baseball. No one goes there anymore. And guess what? From the fence, you can see Home Depot. XD
          ~ I have now finished my interrogation.
          Well, that was me. I know that Tamara is going to probably accuse me of cheating in some parts. Maybe, maybe not.
          I hope I have appeased you, Tamara!
          Well, yeah. Bye guys! :D