Have you heard of Roll4it? They are a band of busy Youtubers who play Dungeons and Dragons, Shadow run and Dark Heresy on Twitch channel Roll4it.

As a fan I decided to do my best at turning their amazing stories into written form.

All credit must and shall go to EnterElysium, SplatterCatGames, Shenryyr, BenthamPlays, Aavak and any guest players. (I will take credit for all the mistakes.)

4 things i would like every reader to consider:
1) I am disabled and cant always work on this project, it is entirely dependant on the kind of day I am having.
2) My disability can effect my spelling and memory so please point out anything you notice if it bothers you at all.
3) I did not create the characters or worlds. Therefore mistakes will be made. If you could kindly help me fix any you notice it would be appreciated.
4) If at any point one of the members request I delete this then I will.
  • uk
  • JoinedMarch 3, 2017

Story by BendyZebra
Shadowrun Season 2 by BendyZebra
Shadowrun Season 2
Roll4it's shadowrun season 2. Created by: @EnterElysium - www.youtube.com/enterelysium Shenryrr - www.yo...
ranking #23 in shadowrun See all rankings