
Happy Pride Month <3
          	A year ago, a person whom I thought was my friend ranted here on Wattpad's message board. I would normally ignore it, but it had homophobic remarks. Even boasting about finishing BAMC Theater Arts.
          	So I confronted her in the comments calmly at first that she shouldn't say something like that no matter how mad she was, thinking that she would at least listen to me and be more aware with her words. 
          	Boy, was I wrong because I got barrages of reply saying that she could say that, she was mad, that I shouldn't be sensitive and added that the person she was ranting about was a freakish person and many more...
          	I had to ask a few of my friends here (not going to mention, but you know who you are) about her post, and they did agree that it was homophobic and even reported her. Again, thank you very much for that!
          	Just because she has a college degree, that doesn't mean it's a license for her or anyone to hurt people like that.
          	There are things that I looked past for the sake of friendship, but not this one. As hard as it was to lose a friend, it would be harder to look away if they continue doing the wrong things.


@BevyBlackmoon Whoever that is, it's better to just end the friendship.


Happy Pride Month <3
          A year ago, a person whom I thought was my friend ranted here on Wattpad's message board. I would normally ignore it, but it had homophobic remarks. Even boasting about finishing BAMC Theater Arts.
          So I confronted her in the comments calmly at first that she shouldn't say something like that no matter how mad she was, thinking that she would at least listen to me and be more aware with her words. 
          Boy, was I wrong because I got barrages of reply saying that she could say that, she was mad, that I shouldn't be sensitive and added that the person she was ranting about was a freakish person and many more...
          I had to ask a few of my friends here (not going to mention, but you know who you are) about her post, and they did agree that it was homophobic and even reported her. Again, thank you very much for that!
          Just because she has a college degree, that doesn't mean it's a license for her or anyone to hurt people like that.
          There are things that I looked past for the sake of friendship, but not this one. As hard as it was to lose a friend, it would be harder to look away if they continue doing the wrong things.


@BevyBlackmoon Whoever that is, it's better to just end the friendship.


Mom noticed there were holes on my flip-flops, "Buy new sandals! My goodness," she nagged. "You might get hurt."
          "It's fine, mom. They're still good," I said, as I wore it outside the front yard. That was when I accidentally stepped on a rock. "OW!"
          Mom knows best.
          Happy Mother's Day!


Hey guys!
          Since we're not able to reach privately here on Wattpad, you can send me a DM anytime in Discord if you need anything from me. 
          It's also BevyBlackmoon, and the profile picture is the same one in my wattpad account.


@Moonwriting1987 Sorry, I'm not sure how to do that. I'm kinda new.
            Here's an invite link instead 