
Sorry for the impromptu break, I'm back to update HJSB tomorrow. New Years was all over the place for us, so many relatives and so little space. Anyway just in case people haven't seen on Twitter I have posted a He's Just a Skater Boy New Years Special! These 3 parts of which are available to the public.
          	Happy New Years everyone !  ♡⸜(´▿`˵ )⸝♡
          	Part 1: .....
          	(I believe Wattpad auto takedowns posts with more than one link so I can only attach one link, but at the bottom of each part there is a link to the next one.)


@ Deabak_Levi  Patreon  is also banned in my country  I tried using vpn and I was able to log in but I can’t pay for membership 


Hiii~ just wondering if there’s a way for people who live in countries where patron is banned can view? No pressure tho loll!! Keep up the good work~


@BigNeptune I loved the specials so much the part five wasn't available but that's ok the other ones were so sweet but spicy at the same time I love your stories ❤️‍


I really hope you're doing well autor Big Neptune.  I miss you! It's been a long time since the last update.  Your books are amazing,  but it doesn't matter if you don't update,  just be healthy and safe. 
          Sorry if I don't make sense,  English is not my forte.