
Okay so, some of you may see I deleted MNSTR, it was kinda downhill, & cheesy Pasta. Which I really think wasn't as good. But I got a different idea, & it may or may not be my best idea since Blake. 


Thinking of beginning the Zombie story first. Idk which to begin as of now I just kinda have the plot thought out of both stories. Trying to begin both is hard. Plus character names suck they're very hard to come up with. 


O+k yes I just deleted my new sto+ry I've been writin. Yea bo+o+ ho+o+ blah blah. No+bo+dy seemed to+ have cared much fo+r it any way. But I am thinking o+f writin two+ new sto+ries. O+ne o+f which is a new creepypasta. The o+ther a zo+mbie based sto+ry since I've had that in mind l8ly. 


This story is of a young man. A second year in highschool, average grades, girlfriend, friends. He's kinda weird likes to have fun and does weird things just for the hell of it. He has a slew of disorders though, these disorders are due to his past. When he was a young child his mother's ex got angry and murdered the boy's sister, he was sent through a foster system then went to live with his father and was abused and neglected for 6 years by his step-mother. He made it back home and was picked on/beaten up for two years. And these were the causes of his disorders a few are hereditary, but the rest aren't. This boy's name is, Mordecai. He gets caught up in a war that isn't human and one of his disorders (schizophrenia) is what drags him into it. Ho+w do+ yo+u all think o+f this? 


Hello+, peo+ple I was just thinking if I sho+uld co+me up with this new sto+ry I've been wanting to+ write. I wo+uld po+st what it mainly is but so+ far all I have is ho+w it will end, and the basic story. So+ I can no+t po+st the summary because o+f spo+ilers. I will try to+ wo+rk o+n it to+ see what yo+u all think abo+ut it.