
Thanks so much for voting on Talon the Black!! 


You're so right! And I love reading too :) I wish I had more time for it!


@Addicted2Dragons Well that's good. Just a dose can add that something special when the characters are in a bad situation. Wheather it be life or death, or the fear of losing them after a big fight or the natural insecurities of thinking they no longer want, or love them, adds that sense of urgency and when you focus on the development of the characters you really start to get a feel for them and relate to their thoughts and feelings no matter how different the situations happening between them and you are. I am no writer, but I am an advid reader.


Oh my gosh thank you!!! I love romance, and adventure. But I totally agree, sometimes the romance can totally overpower the adventure and fantasy aspects. I really wanted to focus on the characters themselves, along with their transformations and the things they are faced with. 
            I really appreciate you noticing that and letting me know. I tried hard to not let it be overpowering romance...just a dose ;)