Blackbutlerluver1 this is a go fund me account for my friend, grace. She's got lung cancer and her family can't pay for the chemo and other medical things that she needs.  Please, even If It's just a small donation of 10$ it would mean so much to her family and to me. If you can donate, then signal boost.God bless.

Blackbutlerluver1 this is a go fund me account for my friend, grace. She's got lung cancer and her family can't pay for the chemo and other medical things that she needs.  Please, even If It's just a small donation of 10$ it would mean so much to her family and to me. If you can donate, then signal boost.God bless.


Hai dere OwO. I apologize that I haven't updated in a while, its just that I've been busy and a lot of stuff has been going on. So , anyway, I will post updates to my stories,however, they will be slow as I have highschool (aka hell) to deal with. I love you guys and I hope you all have a fantastic day .


YAY SKILLET! BLACK BUTLER! SOUL EATER YAS!! you seem FABULOUS! (sry I was randomly browsing profiles when I came across yours and OMG UR MY TWIN) don't like 1D? ME NEITHER! plus I'm a Christian as well ^-^ hope you don't mind me following you! ^-^


@Blackbutlerluver1 YUSS!!! *flails a bit* (I'm a little immature at times X3)