
Recently published the prologue to my new romance novel! Go check it out and tell me what you think!


Working on two/three new stories right now!! One is a fanfic, one is a romance and the last one is a collection of short stories based on writing prompts...should have parts published here soon! So sorry for the long wait for things to read!!!


          Saw that you took down The Journal of Corvo Attano.
          Was there any reason for that, or no?


@SquadLevi Alright, just wanted to know. I am but a mere fan of Dishonored, after all.


Hey! Sorry for the late reply! School has been super busy for me lately. I took it down because with working on my other stories, and already having put out Emily’s version, I didn’t really need Corvo’s. I am also playing like 4 Xbox games at once rn trying to finish them but maybe I’ll get time to play Corvo’s side and then I’ll redo the journal for him