
Does anyone have Discord and wanna chat?


So, due to financial issues and me no longer having a working laptop. It will be a while longer before any writing or RPs will commence. I may update my personal book when I have the energy but not at the moment. I'm going to attempt 3 jobs (and die) and what not. I need to buy and new laptop and tbh I also want a desk top so yeah. The new laptop would be work only. That means no more falls and tumbles (who is what put the final nail in the coffin on my latest laptop). And yeah. Onve I adjust to my NEW schedule and what not I will hopefully start writing again. I miss doing so. T.T. so yeah. Until later, I'm going to sleep.


S t o p looking at my old a r t


this message may be offensive
@BleedingInsanity after “fuck shit eat dick” chapter


@SurviveInfinitely then what art can i look at?


Hey, people, any one. Wanna RP? I really do. Someone that is rather literate and consistent and won't just drop the RP. PLEASE! I am more than happy to work things out if you don't like a character or don't see one up that suits. I have LOTS that aren't published. So please!


My finger hurts, I was checking my tire and loosening the lug-nuts with the tire iron and had the brilliant idea to try and use my hand to slam it down... my plan partially worked but caused me pain. Pain as in my right ring finger swelling and turning purple. It hurts, but thankfully I don't type properly and only really use 4-3. Four fingers on my left hand and three on my right. So I am okay to type, but texting sucks major balls.


I really wish I could be a part of really awesome role-plays where people don't vanish or stop replying after so long. 
          I have a select few to thank for always replying and sticking to it so much.
          But other peeps... If you wanna role-play with me just
           Ask. I will.